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Friday, June 5, 2009


What is the picture of up above? I'll give you a few moments.................Time's up! It's a Poke'mon card. Every kid growing up had at least a stackof these. Some played, some collected. Me, I strictly collected, I thought the game was stupid.

Moving on. About 4 or 5 years ago, I went to a comic book store in attempts to sell my collection. I got holographic cards, rarities, an okay collection. I drop the book on the desk like, "I wanna sell these." The clerk doesn't open the book, he lays a hand on it, he goes, "Are these Poke'mon cards?" I say yes. He tells me, "It's a dead game. I can't buy these." I left the store and have held a semi-grudge ever since. How does that figure? A dead game you say? If it's dead, why do some people still have little tournaments and tell me why comic book stores and Wal-Mart still sell them?

What pisses me off even more is, Burger King is giving them away with the kid's meals. How does this figure, you'll sell them and give them out, but you won't take them back? Fuck you Nintendo!...............I still love Super Nintendo and the Wii, but fuck y'all n!99@$!


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