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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"If I Ruled The World"/The Realest Shit I Ever Wrote, Er, Typed


....a simple run down of things I'd change if I 'ruled' the Earth.....no, this ain't a Pinky & The Brain scheme to take over the world, just my feelings at the time...

1. Stop paying actors/actresses, athletes, musicians, et cetera, such high salaries. Sure they're giving their all each and every night, or film, or song, but when there's an incurable virus out there that's killing people by the millions, it kinda makes you wonder what our priorities are.

2.Get rid of things like Title IX and Affirmative Action. This is Survival of the Fittest, right? Make people wanna strive instead of giving them that safety net mentality. If you were wack at the try-outs for a Basketball team, did the coach give you spot anyway because it was fair? Hell no, you gotta earn it...

3.(I guess I can't really change this one...)Make it so people accept each other for who they are and what they like...It'll take an effort on EVERYBODY'S part on this one. People critique things based on their own mentalities or social prejudices, some of which are unnecessarily ignorant. I.E: Racism, Sexual Phobias, et cetera...What does the color of one's skin or how they lay at night affect who they are as a person. It's cool to joke around, ya mean? But when feelings get hurt and rights get denied, then damn, how American is that?

4. Abolish the Death Penalty, Allow Free Choice and Avoid War. If the Holy Bible,  which we swear upon in courts(separation of Church and State, my ass!), states, Thou Shalt Not Kill, what gives us the right of taking the life of a criminal who decided to take another's? Just make him rot in jail. If a person kills another in self-defense, would you give them the Death Sentence? ('That's different'...no it's not) If a woman decides to abort her child, let her...in the wild, do animals not eat their young? Are humans not animals? "MAN is the only ANIMAL that blushes-or needs to". It's her choice, let her take it up with The-Man-Upstairs, eh? "War, huuuuh! YEAH! What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!" Why make a group of people fight a fight that's not theirs? What do we go to war over? Natural Resources, usually. Natural Resources that have been put here for ALL of us. Did Barney not teach you a damn thing? SHARE!

5. (Music world thing, right here) Stop bitchin' about Hip-Hop sampling music...This is a really personal thing I wish muthafuckas would get over. Music is a form of Art. I know a thing or two about Art. Let's take it to painters and such. Back in the day, and I mean baaaaaaaaaaack in the day, artists were the entertainers of their time. Honestly, I believe, if you made cash money off of your music when you made it, do you need that extra cash when somebody else makes a hit off your record? Back to the Art thing. When sculptors followed the cannons of those who preceded them, do you think those who came before them got all pissy, like, "Hey, you stole my ideas!" Nothing lasts forever. Things may last a very long time, but nothing is forever. The point of Art is self-expression and in some cases, keeping older art alive. In the Art world, artists followed the same techniques, it was inevitable, people felt they could do things better than others through, Realism, Impressionism, and Tenebrism....just to name a few. If money is your motivation to make Art, then I guess I can understand why you'd get pissed off....Like when Rick James made "Super Freak" and MC Hammer made "Can't Touch This" out of it, James was pissed, but he got his royalties...When Kanye West made "Stronger" out of Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger", Daft was impressed and they were honored that good music was made out of good music....If I sample your record, it must mean, your song was so good, I had to try and match or better the sound....Like the downloading of music trend, sure it took a couple extra dollars out of the pockets of those we wanted to listen to, but that means, we love your music. Isn't the point of this music game to make music and let it be heard, not to slap vocals over instruments and expect a paycheck?

The best example of an artist I can think of, Hip-Hop wise, is Coolio. He stated that he doesn't make music for the money, though it is a nice addition. It's kinda like Grimm's philosophy on women, a pretty face is only a plus....

The fire that once burned inside of me that I thought was extinguished is once again burning, and with every waking day, the fire is fed by my drive to make my dream come true. That's why I enlisted the help of my closest friends to make this dream a reality. That's why when we start doing these shows, we're going to give it 1,000,000%^2 and if you don't believe me, then you don't believe in Hip-Hop.

Real Emcees, Spit Real Things


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