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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Elastic Ethics


"I'm rubber and you're glue. What ever you say bounces off of me and sticks back to you."

This is nothing new, but I thought I'd discuss it...I'm bored.

The almighty paradox!!!!

One thing I can't stand is one who is adamant about something one time, then by the next conversation their opinion is different. I do the same shit, but for the benefit of myself, and I guess that's where we all fuck up.

I took a Sociology course last quarter. The professor really focused on social norms and customs at the tail end of the course. I've been thinking of the laws and such we have in America. The Constitution has band aids all over it, if you will. Nothing is really right, well, not right, right, but, like, functional. Everything about this North American soil is two sided bullshit.

Like this one...An adult gets looked at differently if they are a virgin..........a young girl gets called a tramp for being pregnant at 13.....America presses the sex on us a little too hard, ya?

Or this idea, all men are created equal....Affirmative Action, dumb idea. Why does it matter the color of your skin for a job? For that matter, what is Title IX for? What do your chromosomes have to do with sports scholarships?

In order to survive in this crazy world, you must use the paradox to your advantage. Let me bring this to the rap world since this is still technically a Hip-Hop blog....Nasty NaS....

NaS will rap about a poor ghetto youth and turn around and talk about some groupies giving him some head for jewelery on the same album. WHY? "Fo' tha love of $".

My favorite example of such a paradox, Dr.Dre. Dre did a song called "Express Yourself", he had a line in there that went something like this, "I still express/ I don't smoke weed or cess/".

How does one mass produce a song talking about being drug free and such, then put out an album called "The Chronic"? Me likey...

My favorite dude to pick at, Jay-Z. On his 2007 song, "Ignorant Shit", I love this verse:
So, don't believe everything your earlobe captures
It's mostly backwards, unless it happens to be as accurate as me
And everything said in song, you happen to see
Then, actually, believe half of what you see
None of what you hear, even if it's spat by me
And with that said, I will kill niggaz dead

What the fuck is he talkin' about?

Why do we switch up what we believe in for society's sake? I tell you, the Dre song, the NaS song, they came out when music was changing at their times. Nobody was trying to hear that goodie two shoes, Kid 'N' Play rap, they were trying to hear about shooting, drugs, etc. When NaS did his song with Ginuwine, Hip-Hop was no longer what it was, it became a business, and Pop tunes were making cash registers ring.

As for the Jay-Z song, he knew at the time of his release, his contemporaries did not rely on lyricism to sell records...It's kinda sad...

The only thing I see America doing a good job at is separation of Church and State. They've done a mighty good job of that. We got these things called The Ten Commandments and no higher authorities obey them shits. I'm not a religious guy, far from it. The majority of the country is Christian....The president is sworn in and junk with his hand on a Holy Bible....with that said, how do you order tens of thousands of soldiers to go over to another country and have them break , like, ALL the commandments?

I guess killing is really a problem to me....

I think of the American system like a hamster in a cage or something. You have what you need to survive, you can be happy where you are, but you feel confined....then your owner can reach in and alter your life, when really, you should be out in the wild somewhere being free.

Social Norms I Have A Problem With On Tuesdays:

1. When we give, we expect something in return- damn, commercial Christmas!

2. People have a problem with women breast feeding in public- Kids gotta eat! I ain't never seen it in the flesh, so I am led to believe it doesn't really happen.

3. Public restroom etiquette- If there's an open stall, I'm peeing in it.

4....When people say, "That's gay"- No, not because of Wanda Sykes.

5. Since Marihuana is illegal, everyone assumes it's bad- Sure, you don't NEED it, but, shit, do you NEED cigarettes? Those are legal, and they KILL.

6. Baseball is considered America's favorite passtime, Oreo is its favortie cookie, and Apple is its favorite pie- I'd rather watch four back-to-back Tennis games than sit through a Baseball game, I love Oreos(no complaint there), and I'm really a fan of sweet potato pie....

7. (This one is super personal, you may have experienced it too) The ever going bus joke, if you are black and sit in the back, a white person may tell you, "Hey, you know you guys can sit in the front now?"- It doesn't offend me, it just annoys me.

8. (Insert your ethnicity here) America Vs. America- we've been fighting for eons to get rid of segregation, but everywhere we go, it's still kinda there. Besides the slavery and how much work we did, why is there a Black History Month, if there's barely a Hispanic History Month and no Hebrew or Asian History Month?

9. Birth, School, Work, Death- Why is the cycle birth, countless years of work and school, working for The American Dream and then you die? They always say, stay in school get your education, go to college, get a good paying job........You work until you die basically....not my ideal lifestyle.

10. It goes, God, Jesus and then Tom Cruise- when a person does a movie or makes music, why are there a billion people in their face, concerned about their next bowel movement? The way we work over here is ridiculous.

............I don't understand it............


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