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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Death By Stereo

This is some odd shit I stumbled upon while submitting our blog to other blog spaces...Apparently, since the year 2003, the United States government has been using various American musics as torture for Guantanamo Bay captives.

The reason, “to create fear, disorient ... and prolong capture shock.” Yikes!

The way it works is, they either have a play list, or choose an artist, and play it over and over again really loud for twenty hours out of the day. It's usually used for interrogation. Another reason it's used is because Americans are assholes. Check this out....

They use a lot of patriotic songs like Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" and "We Are the Champions" by Queen, in order to culturally offend the inmates who come from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. They also use Rage Against the Machine, Christina Aguilera, Eminem and Tupac Shakur.

One interrogator boasts that he's good at breaking the minds of those he's trying to get info out of. Just follow this regimen, four days, 16 hours of nonstop music and lights, 4 hours of silence and darkness.

Questioned releasees say it is agony, your mind isn't allowed to focus on anything.

Despite what victims have to say, no United States documents state these methods as torture methods.

On some real shit, why would you teach your children to respect other religions and beliefs if you go and blatantly offend these people with music. I mean, it's bad enough the whole fucking world hates this country, do we have to throw away the music too? We're tryna make a future in that.....

I'm done

The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E

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