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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"You Illiterate Son Of A Bitch"--Bun-B

I don't read too often. When I do, I read books that are either cult classics, or shits nobody cares about. Dig this. I got a slew of good reads that'll put you in the appropriate M.T. Bag mind state.....Wow, I have never used the word appropriate on this blog before. Anyway, read with me.
I was turned onto this back in the day by my aunt...Come to think of it, I should've given this book back about two or three years ago. Well, the book is so good, I'm just not willing to return it. The book talks about the life and times of one of the illest leaders known to the human race. X describes his father's death, his hustling days, the rad hairstyle every negro sported and so much more. If I had to recommend ONE book to you, it would definitely be this book.
I downloaded this one (yes, you can download books nowadays, PDF style!) back in December. I just wanted to see what the hype was. It's an interesting read. The book goes into detail about the different kinds of men and women there are, and the combinations of intercourse that exist betwunxt them. There are also tips and warnings on the art of picking up chicks. I learned many a things from this book like, don't have sex with: extremely pale women, extremely dark women, crazy women, diseased women, extremely obese women, extremely skinny women, and the list goes on. There are more details of ways to seduce every kind of woman, and et cetera et cetera. This won't make you a better lover, but it'll make you a smarter one. "Pick it up!"
This is 300 some odd pages of bullshit to the average person. To another person, this is a life saver. I nearly spontaneously combusted back in November. I didn't know which way was up. This book is so good, I read it in one night. Yes. Now my thinking is a little broader, I wanna meet this Deepak Chopra, guy. The book talks about Chopra's opinions on the meaning of life and how if you live it right, you will love your existence and thrive. After reading the concepts, it's quite easy to see the themes come to life before your very eyes. HIGHLY recommended.
The Memoirs of Jacque Casanova, the stone coldest pimp in the history of the world. Casanova writes about his upbringing, travels, and multiple conquests(122 women and 4 men). He lays out his blueprint on how to get in the drawers of any woman, though his conquests mainly consisted of crazy women and mentally ill chicks. I give him "Pimp Move Of The Year" for slaying five sisters AND their mother. All and all, it's a decent read.
This book would come in EXTRA handy if I was a rebel in the '60s. The book is made of two parts: Survival and Being A Revolutionary. The book describes how to steal food, clothes, furniture, free pay phone calls, and airplane rides. It's interesting as hell, it's like The Anarchist Cookbook, for adults. The Revolutionary part tells you how to get free land, get free college education, how to get a guerilla television or radio station, and so much more. I swear, if any of this information survived the times, I would totally live off of the teachings of this book. Too bad some of it has been out dated. Oh, well. I downloaded this one this morning and I couldn't look away, despite my headache.

Hmmm. From the gist of these recommendations, I'm pretty much telling you to "Fight The Power" and "Fuck A Lot!". If that's what you get from this, please don't blame me for your actions. I just recommended it, I ain't know if you'd do it or not.


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