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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Taking The Stage


They say it's not where you're from, it's where you're at....

I could never relate to that saying until now. Apparently the art school I attended for a year is getting its own reality show. They were talking trash about how they were in the process of doing so when I was there in 06-07.....and about how we were supposed to get a brand new building.....well, half of the prophecy is fulfilled.

I think the show has an interesting premise. It shines the light on the people doing their thing, I love it. Cincinnati talent finally has the chance to shine, we need more shows like this.

I was watching T.I.'s show and caught this commercial for Taking The Stage.....I can't guarantee I'ma watch it, but still, kudos, kids....

I'ma get the old house PC today, so I'll be preoccupied with beats and...........................more beats. If contact is a must, you're S.O.L, but contact is never an issue...

Still dreamin'


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