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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It Twas Mint 2 B

I was thinking, I'm < than 1/2 the man I used to be.

If I'm not making music on the daily, I'm not happy. I was happiest when all I had to do was go to school and come home to the music.

The way things are going, they suck, but they'll surely improve.

The only thing that raises my spirits is hanging with the band. It's a grand feeling to make music and give it to people and see their reaction. Whether it be positive or negative, I keep learning.

I want this band to work, it has thus far. The only way to make that so falls on ourselves individually. If you take us apart and put us in situations, we THRIVE!! Yet, putting us ALL together, I really don't know yet. M.T. Bag needs to do a show ASAP so I can see if we are truly a band. No matter what, we always make good music, and I guess that's all that counts.

However, just sitting on good music doesn't fly with me. I want to be able to have this good music and have a group of people who tell us,'Hey, you know, your music is what keeps me going sometimes.."

That would be amazing. I love y'all n!99@$, but we all need to do our part to make this a reality.  The music does have to be done, but I have NEVER been in the same room with all of M.T. Bag and I have that feeling of our aura. I know our situations stifle that, but, man, I need to feel a sense of needing that.

I know things'll change and I guess I'm impatient.......

Nuff Said


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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit


Shaun Fauste said...

man i been here...i just been waiting

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