First and foremost fuck Careinna. Yeah, she chose but it's still salty HOW. Now, last week recording with my homies at Green Team South I found my flow, delivery, all of that like literally, I just dropped a bunch of freestyles that were record so if need be I'll put up my segment. But, in that moment I found out who I am as a person. I am an asshole mixed with the sweetest guy you will know. Contradicting right? No, I will always be a personable guy, it's just that I don't care what people think of me anymore so because I doon't care that leads to people thinking I am an asshole. Petty people love to think they are right.
This new confidence or "swagger" is the culmination of me living on the other side of the social scale. Yeah, I was very unpopular despite numerous tries at fitting in, it just didn't work and I would fail horribly only pushing me back socially. It wasn't until this point in time that I finally gathered myself and decided to leave the bullshit behind me. If I haven't fixed at this point then I wont and new things I can only hope to succeed in. This is being translated into my musical composition. I am a damn good emcee and refuse to take second to no one.
As far as the ladies are concerned....umm...yeah, I'm sorry I grabbed your attention, go back to eating a dick.
HAHAHA. I love being me baby! Try it, and you'll like. No, don't be me! Be yourself...I swear I just pissed and I still got haters on my dick. No room for you man. Sorry. Go home. Yeah, you...
.....-{ So Far Gone }-.....whoooo!

(Quit Playing With My Heart Baby)
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