Today, to me, at least, it's: Frustration And Failed Suicide Attempts....this Charles Hamilton song I was just looking at on the iPod today....not like I'm suicidal, nothing like that....(I wonder if that was done intentionally...)
FAFSA seems to be a really big deal today, er, yesterday...Ghrim kinda gave up on his, but was encouraged to keep going, my step dad was just doing his, and Boogie did his this afternoon. He told me to fill one out, but I feel I won't be back in the classroom for quite sometime.
LIFE is like high school and college is like, well, college. LIFE will help as much as it can, but you cannot take its kindness for weakness. I guess.
The (No Adult Left Behind) title goes into something I saw during Super Jail. You know those commercials talkin' bout the switch on February 17th?.....well, that's been moved to June 12th, or 17th....I'm sure it's the 12th......Get it? There was a due date for having a digital converter, and like high school teachers, an extension was given...
WINGS(Spread 'Em).......that was the name designated for this Facebook Note I was gonna write before shipping off to, never happened....Good thing, this gets deep.
I had the chance to soar(explore) the sky(the Ohio north of Cincinnati).
I had always been a homebody, still kinda am.
By leaving home and being away from the unknown, new instincts and skills have been acquired as a result of adaptation.
I wrote a lyric this weekend, with an idiom in it, referring to how I feel right now:
"Gather 'em up, and tell 'em if your feelings strong. Cuz when it's over, it's over, you never know what you got 'til it's gone."
I'm still not 100% at it, but I'm learning to appreciate EVERYTHING.
The fact I haven't died as a result of Bronchitis, like I thought I would, I appreciate that. My family, my friends, their families, the good times I shared with folks and my non-womanizing mind state....
This uncanny thought cloud now hovers around my mind, like, "Treat them like people."
Not like I'm some kinda chauvinistic bastard or something like that; my relationships with most (non-related) women in my life aren't very well developed at all. I learned, it's games on both sides, and the lady folks wanna play and not play at the same time....I said, they wanna play and not play at the same time.
In a sense, leaving school was like dying to me......In the flesh, I won't be there, but shit, I'm gonna make an effort to be back 'round next year.......Off-Campus, though.
Reminisce, reminisce....
The Green Team:
(Tweezii F. Babii)
I met him through Ace Boogie. Boogie was coming from The Box one time, I was in the room. He came up and did Unforgivable. He said he asked Tweez what he and his friends were listening to and Ace put on a high pitched voice like, "Mystikal ringtones!". It was a wrap since then. I'm gonna miss how every song on the playlist is gonna be a Lil Wayne song....Ha! He's my best good friend!
(Kief Daddy Wilkenfuck, the guy putting up the 'A' on the far left... I used to smoke squares)
High school friend of Tweez. Kief is like the most swaggerific cat I've ever met, as well as the fastest Black freaker. Kief's achievement: he has produced some of the funniest quotes ever! Like the time the crawdad escaped the tank and Kief caught him and then exiled him in the snow, we asked why, "Because I'm syrupped!". Another time he was syrupped, "Time for a nice bowl of Cap'n FUCK!". And this one time, I got down from a bunk, he came from drinking something,(I'll never get this all the way right) "A little something to wet my whistle at night, eh?(In an English accent)". I'm gonna miss Syrupped Sundays with him and seeing him and Tweez bust ass in Beer Pong.
(Sponge-Fuck.....the cat in the black Under Armor WSU sweatshirt)
Tweez and Kief's room mate. Given the name Sponge-Fuck for his original sense of softness, Sponge has always been an entertaining part of The Green Team. Whether if we were laughing as he would vomit violently, or cheering him on as he macked on a chick at a party, Mr.Fuck is cool with me. I'm gonna miss the smell of TGI Friday's potato skins and the eat-ability of his grandma's cookies. I'm gonna miss out on when his brother comes back and the team goes, "That's Lieutenant Dan!" I'm also gonna miss Spyro and his "BURR!"

It kinda made sense the first time I saw him, the, I really can't tell you why Tweez named him Pat-Fuck. He doesn't really remind me of Spongebob's Patrick, eh....Pat introduced me to Clarence Carter's "Strokin' ". Pat brought the party to Green Team Central, with the assistance of Tweez, they'd go to Meijer and pull jack move on what became our favorite beverage, Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay. With the assistance's of Ace's Kool-Aid, Green Team used to get right every night. He was the first person I've ever known to request The Jungle Book's "Bear Necessities" for their personal listening pleasure. The illest moment I shared with him, I rode in the back of his truck during the ass crack of Winter and enjoyed it.
So, what did you learn this school year in a nutshell?
I learned the importance of teamwork and friendship. Every team has its fallouts. Countless times
Green Team had stalls and head butts, but we always patched them shits up quickly.
Thisisme signing out on something powerful.
"In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Remember my $!L3N(3...
Time to stack up, Ghrim, Ace, let's make it happen!
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit