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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Say What's Real...

Yo yo yo wats up this is Fauste the Chef and I just wanted to say a couple of things regarding life as I see it. First off, my women...I dont get ya'll, one minute you are saying that you want a real man and these thirsty dudes can go to hell....THEN one day later your are talking about some random guy that you met at the mall and trust me, I KNOW, he gave you the same rap 92% of guys give you....

- He comes off cordial but you can tell he got some player in him.
- You go with it anyway because you like his swag
- He keeps talking and talking because that is the cardinal rule of conversing (not conversating), you KEEP TALKING at all costs.

- So, he keeps talking and this is where you examine him up and down and check out his gear, if he's "goon'ish" you overlook the dickies or Roc jeans with a long hoodie and go straight to the facial features.

- He keeps talking about how he saw you and wanted to just say "hi"...*bullshit* ahem, he saw since you left the Ladies Footlocker to get a new pair of AF1's.

- He looks good so you snap back to the conversation and ask him things such as "what you doing"

Blah, blah it goes on for about 5mins. he asks for your number, you give it to him and give him an equally thirsty look and get this fellas.....SHE FINALLY ANSWERS THE TEXT FROM HER BOYFRIEND! haha, real men recognize your weak game women and that is why we play you because you dont appreciate us being a real man to you so we act like assholes because we gets not love being nice....

I say that to say this. I became disenchanted with the idea of "love" because women who act like they want love act like hoes then expect the guy to always love him. My love is unconditional only if you respect me because I will always respect you. ha, we have almost 3000 hits but no one comments on our posts but I will say that if you want a real man than get at me, I could use a real conversation on things other than the latest Gucci mixtape when I say I like music or when I say I write poetry, dont just say you do too, show me.

(Sigh) Anyway...whatever. I want a real woman.

.....So Far Gone.....

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