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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hello world, this is Fauste the Chef and I know we been giving you the most thizzle blog posts of your life and entertaining you with you news straight from the horses mouth but the real question on everyone's mind is "When is the next M.T. Bag album dropping?" "I heard the Original Cin mixtape but that was with the affliates. I want that raw shit man (no flomo)." I have news for all of you who asked that exact question...

As it currently is, Empathy b.k.a. MZA is taking a well- deserved hiatus from the college and shall return with yours truly next Fall Semester. Until then Ace Boggie shall be at Wright State man-handling and assaulting the social life there. Now, here is M.T. Bag has it stands, we have the Cin City mixtape which has been slated for an April release, SuperFly/ ?MOACD? which shall be dropped before September and to expect us to venture into the Alt. Rock genre very soon as a result of Ace Boogie doing a full length rock album w/ 3rd Pine. Sooo, here it is in list form

- Cin City (April 2009)

- SuperFly( Summer/ Fall 2009)**

- If "Music on a CD" is a seperate album (TBA)

- Boogie's Alt. Rock album w/ 3rd Pine (TBA)*+

(Sorry guys, deadlines are the only way we get stuff done, seriously)

And there you have it, an update on THE Most Thizzle Boys and Girls.

.....So Far Gone.....

** - dates subject to change

*+ - could be put on hold indefintely (gasp!)

P.S. Check out http://www.fashionourdreams.blogspot.com/ (thizzle blog) and

http://www.facebook.com/pages/SKKEM-DA-GENERAL/46432558234 (skeem's page)

http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=28385239676 (3rd Pine)

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