I've been eying her since I was 11 or 12 years old.
She seems to be known all over the world and chased after by all the guys in the world, even a few girls.
She's a bad little something from New York City. Some may think she's a little old for me. She may be 31, but love knows no numbers.
I used to spend all night writing her poems and composing symphonies for her. She was the number one thing on my mind all the time.
I considered tying the knot, but I realized it would take more work than I thought to make us work.
Nowadays, we still talk off and on, and I still think about what could've been....
Alright kids, who or what was I talkin'?
Hip-Hop. Yeah, it was pretty shallow, but shit....
I'm tryna get niggas' heads in the game. Don't chase paper, don't chase females.........
(My fuckin' last name is on the teacher's plaque...what a coincidence)
The way my life is going RIGHT NOW, I'm not going anywhere. My situation makes me feel like, I'ma die an unsuccessful man. Yet, a quote comes to mind, it appears under our header and I said it to Grimm this past weekend, "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality".
I know Ace Boogie is committed, I know that now.....But Mr.Grimm, after this weekend, I'm not too concerned, I'm sure such will probably never happen again, right?
And it's not just you. I too am guilty of catching the lazy. When we get the M.T. Bag ball rolling, niggas, ain't no stopping it.
I know we've had our moments.
THE BEST OF TIMES: Getting 5 songs done in one night. Partying up at UC late at night. Recording with Skeem. Driving through St.Bernard and talking about dealing weight at Kroger. Bringing an uber high Grimm to that girl's house and letting him go nuts. That time we busted our asses to get to Baba's. Writing rhymes in the Retention Center. Me and Grimm asking Ace to sing on our song for Music Fest and he tried to charge us. HA!
THE WORST OF TIMES: That Sophomore year squabble I had with Grimm. That time at the Open Mic and shit seemed like it was going nowhere. Stale recording moments. When Ace and Grimm got kicked out/withdrew from St.X. When Ace and I did our show and like 7 people showed up.
The committment to the group is at like 1,000,000%. The concept of what we are is too thorough, literally. We're too talented to go unheard. That's why when we move in together, we're doing music 24/7/365.
Like Boogie says, if this is the G-O-B, we gotta conduct like they pay us to do it....Let's do that, but let's pretend we aren't rappers. We are musicians, artists, visionaries, philosophers; remember the Mission Statement? We are Third World, and we shall never lose that hunger.
Blink if you're with me.
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit