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Friday, March 13, 2009

T.R.O.Y. pt 2

Ok last time I left ya I was talkin bout my second girl...now we fast foward to my third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, and I wanna say seventh girlfriend....here we are today and I wanna talk about this chick......Maria Monroe.....damn....my "ballerina" and "tree" for never would I have even thought about approaching such a girl in my younger days but there is a difference between applauding and getting applauded so one night after she first started I talked to her and introduced her...I also tried to get a feel for her to see where her mind was and I realized that this chick was damn near the closest thing to "compatible" that I encountered in a GRIP! So we talk on the phone and I'm like "i really dig you" and she returns the sentiment so Im like "brr". After awhile though, I see some separation between us so I asked her whats wrong and she says that she has stronger feelings for someone else and that she always saw me as "just a friend" and I literally cried ya'll....it was hard but I pushed through and kept pursuing for it turned out that the guy she talked to was a womanizer....still, nothing ever works out for me, does it?? A month or two ago, I get a text from her first and that NEVER happens! So intruigued I open the message and she tells me that she been seeing someone else but she wasnt sure how to break the news to me....I was pissed, hurt, happy, and sad all rolled into one blunt o' Love. Now-a-days, we are friends and thats all I see for us so far..."Why I gotta think about her?!"....banks, where you at?....we will see about that one

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