This is my last technology rant, I promise!
Ok, since it'll take eons to put Parallels or Bootcamp on this Macintosh to run Windows, I figured I'd use an alternative to FL Studio....There's no such thing....Don't get me wrong, producers, all the other Digital Audio Workstations are Thizzle in their own way, but nothing compares to the sweet fruit of FL Studio...
Apple's Garage Band, it twas my first choice of DAWs to use, yet, obtaining a copy of one of these programs is like finding a person born with natural green hair, it ain't happenin'! I used to use this at SCPA, it's a decent program, but the lack of a sequencer is my ONLY problem....
Propellerhead's's built to be exactly like a real life studio, it's a tad too complicated for me, maybe a 1970s producer would feel at home with this one, I don't like it....
Mixcraft's Acoustica. This is the most decent program I've tried my hand at thus far, there's a sequencer and a small repertoire of instruments, they sound like Kanye's 808s....The format of the program is kinda choppy and hard to look at. Sampling is hard work, me no fucks with it.....
Image-Line's FL Studio is the only one for me. It's smooth, it's sleek, it's sexy! I can't wait for the day I see her face again, tomorrow. I'm gonna get DOWN!!!
All and all, patience is a virtue. When I get a hold of a decent, up to speed computer, I'm GOING HAM!
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit
I have been using Fruity Loops myself. And it really delivers, and does what it needs to do.
Personally, I use Reason and FL8 (sometimes in rewire, or just as a single solo production).
I have been having a lot of bashing from fruity loops users on my reason tutorials a lot lately. Something that I personally don't understand. Music is about making music... and not making fun of what kind of program you use.
And what you just say in this 'blog' just certifies my way of thinking. They bash propellerheads reason, because they don't understand it.
Thanx for the great blog entry ;)
Sorry for a late response but, you're welcome. Glad there are some REAL people out there who do REAL things!
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit