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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happiest being the Nappiest...

Wats good bra....and sis

167 blacks into the year, Ace Boogie is feeling depression again. I mean this depression was brought completely by myself. So i'll just rant til I feel better.

So guess what I'll be going into my Trigonometry class' Final exam with a just about a 0%. WHY?! I lean too much. Then I never want to go class. I'm suffering because of that. My schedule next quarter will be 5 classes. I think I've taken them all before. Trig (I'm sure I'm failing this quarter), History 101 (3rd time taking it), English 101 (3rd time taking it), Psych (I got a C the first time), Sociology (the only one I haven't taken yet). Don't get me wrong, I could bet money I'm the smartest M.T. Bag member, but at the same time I maybe the laziest. Correction that's Miz. 1200 on my SAT and 26 on my ACT (w/ a hangover).

Next quarter. No more lean during the weekdays. No more weekday parties (Sunday-Wednesday). No Wiid until after all my daily work is done. Organize all my work to be done daily. Get and keep a job. (RE-UPs!!!) Stack chips for future. Get my BOOKS!!! Write a verse everyday. Make 2 beats a week. Sell Rellos and Blacks. Thats about it.

At least I'll have work to keep me busy because I feel thats exactly what I need. I mean I'm the Flash. I move so fast, I need alot to do.

Pool Party tomorrow...

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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit


ΣMPΔTHΨ said...

you are so full of shit, nigga

Anonymous said...

how so

ΣMPΔTHΨ said...

Dey Know!

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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit