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Friday, February 20, 2009

Life Can Only Be Understood Backwards, But We Live It Forward

If you were to open the empty bag that is M.T. Bag, you'd take notice of the intangible goodies inside...

We have this idea amongst us...See No Wack, Hear No Wack, Speak No Wack, and OVERALL, Do No Wack.

What does this mean for the music biz and our loyal fans.....It's self explanitory.

This philosophy is what makes one Most Thizzle. It's like this:

SEE NO WACK: People who claim to be rappers, we don't really see them. To us, it seems we are the only people who rap where we're from, though we know everybody does it. We often upset those who rap around us....we accidentally bump into them, causing a little chaos day to day. The Big's, Lil's, Yung's, and Youngs get the same treatment. "What are you blind?" Technically, yes! We only see each other and other good artists, there aren't too many. Usually, that fine dame by your side is all we see...When she's gone, no harm done, right?
HEAR NO WACK:  This one is a little more intuitive. If you listen to our beats, they are top notch. We have good ears for good music. Wack beats don't go. Wack songs rarely appear on the walkman, the only reason they would appear is simply for our laughing pleasure. If we work hard enough, we can hear the wack shit being put out. I'm telling you, it's no easy task. When we're in the car and put the radio on a rap station, we usually think the radio is busted because we don't hear shit....When booty rappers spit for us, we think they're doing a Kung-Fu flick impression....
SPEAK NO WACK: This is the easiest to come by. Listen to every word on the M.I.C album. There's not a single wack line on the album. Why? How is that possible? We're the Most Thizzle. It's possible for people to attempt to copy this style, but you'd only succeed at being kinda Thizzle. 
OVERALL, DO NO WACK: (Do No Evil is brought to visualization by covering the crotch, get it?)
Anyway! Everything we do is Most Thizzle. When we rock your spot, concert, open mic, Bar Mitzvah, wedding, funeral, divorce party or fantasy, it's always *1,000,000%^2.....*except that one time. We shop Thizzley, we rap Thizzley, we eat Thizzley, we socialize Thizzley.....We're more Thizzle than a dilligent worker on Ecstasy.
If you beg to differ, do something...oh, yeah, we can't see you.....Then say something...oh, yeah, we can't hear you....on the off chance we do, we can't say anything to you......That would require us to descend to your level, right?

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