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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Black Hysteria Month


Lookin' at my calendar it's about that time!

I'm gonna be real....I forgot it was Black History Month. I realized it, Monday. Two days in......WHEW! BURR!

Honestly, I don't believe in Black History Month....holidays and twenty-eight days get looked at as jokes. The fuck is a Kwanzaa....irrelevant. Personally, I don't think the gears should change in schools when February comes around. Mix that shit up! Why can't I learn about a great black man in April, fool? Get it? Meh.... Why do we get dicked with the shortest month anyway???

Let me tell you the tale of Black History Month 2008...

It was my senior year, I attended this school called St.Bernard. The school was in a sub-sub-sub-division of Cincinnati, considered it's own city, St.Bernard. St.Bernard is about 6 miles in radius and a lot of American Eagled out, lower class folks live there....

So, me being the school runner, I was.....just because I was bored, I would go into every class I had and write the name of a famous black person on the board.

I started off with the usual suspects, 2Pac, Biggie Smalls, Jay-Z, then I worked my way to lesser known figures.

One person I put up stirred up a mob.

Eldridge Cleaver. I stated he was a civil rights leader and I mentioned his book, "Soul On Ice". Because I did not do full research and ad-libbed my presentations, I would only mention trivial facts and such. I mentioned the fact that Cleaver raped white women to deliberately piss off The Man.....Ooh......The kids in class got all pissed like, "How are you gonna tell us about a rapist?" and this, and that....

My defense, "I'm shining the light on OTHER Black People. I can't have y'all thinking all we do is, rap, play sports and commit crimes."

Soon, the children in the classes closed their minds towards my info. Kids soon began erasing the name of whomever I would write on the board....It was social studies class this happened in, for a few days, I stopped writing on that board, everyone else still got my daily dose of knowledge.

Eventually, most kids started to come around, and wonder, "Why don't you put names up anymore?"

I started doing it again...A few kids claimed to be offended because I was "forcing" Black History upon them....My defense, "Day in and day out, what color are the majority of the folks in these text books?"

At the end of the month, teachers gave me kudos. I taught them a few black folks they had never heard of. Who did I drop on them that month?

(Tupac Amaru Skakur and his poetic lyrics)

(Nasir Jones and his Illmatic album)

(Shawn Carter and his own color)

(Oprah Winfrey and her self-made billions)

(Emmitt Till and his brutal demise)

(Eldridge Cleaver and his ways)

File:Daniel Hale Williams.jpg
(Dr.Daniel Hale Williams and his heart surgery)

(Jesse Cleveland Owens and his feet)

(Madame CJ Walker and her hair products)

(For kicks....The Green Lantern. One of the few legit, black superheroes....though he ain't always black)

(Jimi Hendrix and his southpaw style)

That's about as much as I can remember....

Right now, we REALLY need to give props to Barrack Obama. He's done so much in less than 100 days in office....They should put his face on the money.....but we're still waiting on "Reagans, whenever they make them, I shall haive them....oops, I meant have them!"

P.E.A.C.E.......if you acknowledge Black History Month, hope you have a good one....

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