If there is something in this world that I will NEVER understand, it's discrimination.
Why is there racism? What's the point?
When the Red man opened his land to the White man, why did the White man have to steal from and rape the Red man?
During the age of The Middle Passage, why did the White Man hate the Black man, whom he enslaved and raped?
When the White man invited the Yellow man to work on the railroads over here, why did the White man then make laws banning the Yellow man from entering the country?
Just a few questions that have been going around in my head.....Don't get me wrong, I'm not a revolutionary that goes around preaching Afrocentriciity and asking where my reparations are(though, I could go for some of those right about now). I don't take credit where credit isn't due, I didn't perform the work my enslaved ancestors did, so I don't want their money. Besides my point! Discrimination was the foundation of American civilization, and honestly, I can't understand it.
How do you write a breathing Constitution that nobody can seem to abide by at all? If ALL men are created equal, how come minorities are always over criminalized in the news? How come homosexuals can't get married? On the note of same-sex marriages, 4/50 states allow it...
Women and minorities get paid less than the average white man in a white collar job. EQUAL?
Whenever you see a commercial with a minority, they are either given lines that play into the stereotype of their race, given hardly any lines at all, or played as the "whipping boy" if you will...
Peep it, there's an Oriental guy, given irrelevant lines, he wears a soup bowl haircut and he's being treated like shit....ok, it's not racism, but it's still there.
Somebody would've sued Wendy's had it been a black dude to say, "Ah, Snap!". But, do you see? The minorities get the dumb parts...But here's a stereotype for yo ass!
Still, not racist, but, an American stereotype they teach about Oriental folks, THEY ARE ALL SMART, notice the janitor says, "Look at the Whiz Kid".
This picture reminds me of this one time that involved myself, Ghrim, Ace, Skeem and a Black Widow(By positions, we should all know who we are) *shutters*. Anyway, the discrimination isn't just racial, it's a sexual thing too. I saw some movie on the exploitation of women in the media. When a woman is by herself in an ad, she is usually, sexy, slim and somewhere along the line suggesting sex. If she is with a man, she is his object. If a woman is white in an ad, and the man is of color, the man is presented more inferior than the woman...The best example of this to me would have to be "Driving Miss Daisy", hahaha!
I guess since nobody else is complaining about it and the world is ok the way it is, for us at least, I guess I should just keep sitting on these thoughts, huh?
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
I made Veronica Zemanova come to the blog, like this:
Mrs.Zemanova, I am not a fan trying to get close to you, I am a musician. I am hoping that you can help me promote my band
How much you pay me?
goddamn, i forgot to mention we are starving artists, as of now, all i can do is pay you in gratitude and and we post you on our website
Then an inbox message when she got idle on me:
Ok, if you refuse to work with me because I don't have money, that's fine...but, would you at least visit our blog: www.mtbag.blogspot.com and give us a listen, tell me what you think
Ok i will...Have a good night!
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