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Thursday, December 18, 2008

You Call It Racist, I Call It Funny

There's been some talk about McDonald's and their new campaigns. I want you to take notice of the closest idiot box, what selection are they pushing hardest off of their menu? The chicken nuggets.

Some question, is Mickey D's trying to attract more Black people? Hmm....hell yeah. It's a new day. My president is Black and my Lambo's blue, and I'll be Goddamned if my chicken ain't...oooh....

Anyway, some find the R&B chicken nugget commercial to be a little offensive, I don't know about you, but that shit is absolutely hilarious to me. Check it:

So after 30 seconds of evaluation, you not only receive a good jingle, but a reminder to get those nuggets and a funny ass face. This is the illest commercial I've seen in a while.Ok, taking into account some older McDonald's commercials, you know, the one where dude is scratching on a turntable and dude pulls jack move on the DJ's sandwich...That one is just annoying, but it does send out the message that the ony thing you can catch most Black folks doing is rapping and eating chicken.

To wrap it up, in a sense, racism is funny. By making fun of stereotypes, we are showing that we are not only acknowledging another race, but in a way it shows an angle of respect.

Just take that at face value and cash it in at a pawn shop, I'm out of wisdom for today.

The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E

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