Bleeding Gums Murphy- Ok...he's dead, but he was a cool mofo. The midnight saxophone player was my favorite character, he had the most soul of any character in any cartoon ever.
Wendell- He rarely spoke to my knowledge and he was always sick, I don't know why they don't have him on the show anymore.
Hans Moleman- "He tastes like a peanut". Hmm...not very important, but it was funny for him to pop in every once in a while.
Lionel Hutz- The worst lawyer I've ever seen. He used to chase ambulences and the most classic thing I've ever seen, he forgot to wear his slacks to the courtroom one episode, CLASSIC!
Dr.Nick- "Hello, everybody! (Hi, Dr.Nick!)" He's just a quack.
Disco Stu- I don't know jack shit about him, but his cameos were funny as shit. I remember one episode, the one where ex-president George H. Bush moves in, the Simpsons have a yard sale. Homer had a jacket where he was trying to spell "Disco Stud" on the back, but ran out of space, thus, "Disco Stu". Some guy was like, 'Stu, you should buy that.' Disco Stu goes,'Disco Stu doesn't advertise.'
Ottoman- The rock'n'roll bus driver. My favorite episode with this guy, he was living with the Simpsons and whatnot. Otto told Bart, "Your dad's right, I am a bum." Bart said, "He didn't call you a bum, he called you a sponge." Otto gets pissed and starts punching the wall.
Hmm....randomness, that was cool.
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
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