I don't get nearly as much medication as I had got used to, video games are starting to bore me, music making is eh, and I've even stop doing my one true love (Basketball) as much as I want. Who is to blame for all of this??? IDK my bff Jill. NO, she's never let me down. Maybe its being broke. OMG yes, thats it. For one to enjoy one's life money is a necessity, thus proving the age old statement, "Money can't buy happiness," to be completely and utterly false. Though I believe there are more important things in life besides Money, Pussy, and Weed; they don't hurt.
I can honestly say I miss life @ Wright though I was so ready to leave it 7 weeks into it. GREEN TEAM is the most Thizzle clique I've ever been a part of, because there is never a dull moment. 735 dollars for all the food I can eat, shittin. Personal freedom, OMG I phucking loved it. Wen I get back I plan on never leaving to be honest. As a duo Murdock and I planned on leaving next year on a quest for UC; but I loathe Cincinnati. Not really loathe, its a love/hate relationship. Some facets of Cincinnati seem to love the phuck out of me (i.e. Gold Star Coneys, White Castles, Cincinnati Police Department, A***** J**** W*******, even UC's campus), but I can't stand the life I'm forced to live here. But it's all ish. Wright State is where the heart is, and I almost didn't go.
I'm going insane when I get back.
TOP 10 EMCEES in my book...
#10) Mphamous
WOW! Right. Not really, Matt has been one of my favorite rappers. Especially when he was Mphamous, because I had to think to understand what he was saying. And unlike most people I like to think. Nowadays he's watered down, and he knows it...to be honest it irks me that I can figure out what he's talking about so easily. But you have to do what you have to do to stay on beat.
#Nueve) Nas
Kinda low for a veteran , but aye phuck you! Nas is great and all, but I can't really listen to his new music. So if you catch me listening to Nas 13 times out of 10, I'm listenin to Illmatic. Queens' finest.
#Kyu) Ludacris
He's never failed to captivate me with an album. Always entertaining and always shittin lyrically. For this, slot 8 is his.
#Siete) Negashi Armada
I know Matt picked him, but I have to pick him too. But only because I try to copy his 3 syllable rhyming style myself. Dope is he...
#6) Big L
I never heard much by him, but any one who can shit on Jay-Z, will be part of this list.
#5) Method Man
Caught on to him late in life, but he's been a fav since I started hearing him. Punchlines and Metaphors galore. Big big big big big big big big big big big influence.
#4) Jay-Z
I mean come on its the Roc! Jay-Z had me hooked since Blueprint. So I dug into his older albums, and you can ask Mza how much I play Vol.1 Life and Times of Shawn Carter.
#3) Eminem
Since I heard My Name Is, i've been an Eminem fan. Every verse this guy has ever spit has probably been memorized by me, even freestyles. Can u say obsession? If you can, phuck you.
#2) Biggie Smalls
The age old question about Biggie vs. Tupac was answered in my Hip-Hop pyschology class. Thus putting Biggie Smalls in slot 2. Legendary rapper. Movie will probably be ass cheeks though. Notable line "I'm stickin ice picks on the tip of dick, give ya testicles a swift kick, ain't that some shit." Most stated line in my high school career.
#1) Tupac Amaru Shakur
WESTSIDE! The only poetic rapper. Everything I heard from this one had a meaning. Even those I had to hear multiple times. My favorite track is in between Do For Love or Smile. Been listening to him since I was able to understand that I was hearing something.
***Honorable Mention:
Ace Boogie-Yes, myself.
Shaun Fauste- Superdopeballeristicflyspittinslick Emcee
Common- Spitter of my favorite song ever.
Immortal Technique- Dark and Ominous lyricist.
Lil Wayne- Not as good as he's hyped up to be, but still good.
Canibus- Shittin
...thats about it besides all of D-12. R.I.P Proof
Do For Love - Tupac.
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