Ok. Never before have I ever had a person I walked the same halls with or shared an argument with be taken from my presence. It kinda makes you think what happens to you when you die. I've come across many philosophies on this subject. There's the traditional Heaven and Hell, and sometimes Purgatory, there's my old philosophy(your soul remains in the body forever, which is why many want to be cremated and thrown over a bridge), there's the Egyptian after life and then the world's wisest, The Buddhists.
I think their view on death is the best possible. We all know the reincarnation cycle, it never stops. You've got three choices in this cycle, Damnation, Rebirth and Enlightment.
To the Buddhists, Hell is not an eternal punishment, it's just really fucking long. There are two categories to Naraka(Hell), hot or cold. One cold Naraka, Arbuda, requires the subject to sit in front of a barrel full of rice. Every century, the subject picks one grain of rice out of the barrel. Your stay here is up when you empty the barrel. The Naraka that follows this one multiplies the punishment by twenty and so on. I believe your assignment to a Naraka is determined by how sinful you were in your life.
Followed by Hell is Rebirth, you're assigned a new life, since it takes so long to come back, you can't simply just live righteously obeying the previous laws from your previous life, you must be thorough in your next life.
The cycle of life and death continues to happen until you achieve Enlightenment. To do this, one must free oneself of hate, greed and delusion. To free oneself of hate and greed only is Nirvana.
Enlightenment is to free yourself from the thought and merely live. It's easier said than done, since birth, we are mind polluted at the expense of a series of interest groups with one priority, MONEY.
To seek material things is an emotion, to reject material things is an emotion. You must go right nor left, you must live by your morals and your morals only. "There is no right or wrong"
As long as you conduct life by the means of what is right to you, there's nothing nobody can tell you.
There is nothing wrong with having materials, but you must think of them as what they really are, materials.
An example of an Enlightened thought goes as follows:
When I play multiplayer video games, my ONLY objective is to get that W.
Usually if it's not my game, I find a way to play that works and continue to use it until forced to change it.
Recently, M.T. Bag has been playing Def Jam:Icon. I was the top gun in it until I took a Henry Winkler nap and woke up to multiple ass whippin's.
Boogie told me, "you focus on the win too much, not the fun in the game. The key is not to win, but learn as you play."
Hmm, sounds wise.
Another instant: I am an insatiable muthafucka.
I had a conversation with Boogie one time regarding our first group album, Made In Cincinnati, despite its top notch production and creativity, I am not thoroughly happy with it. Why? Because of the fact it wasn't everything it was thought out to be. There are multiple tracks that never made the cut, or I could've produced or written better. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of it, I wouldn't throw it in your face if I wasn't confident in it, but it wasn't the best it could be.
I thought of it like Dragon Ball Z. The album on a scale of 1-4, was Super Saiyen 2 to me. Why? It was above the regular,yet not all it could be. I saw it like, if you know there's a higher level, why not acheive the maximum?
Boogie rubuttaled with, "So, if something isn't the best, it's wack?"
I guess that's just how I am, if something's not top notch, I'm not proud of it thoroughly.
I'm still learning to tear that down....shit, that mentality is gone. If we put something out, it's because it's us and there's nobody like us.
So, this post is dedicated to my acquaintance Andrew Buse and Ghrimm's father, Jerome Belcher. Though you guys no longer walk among us as those incarnations we knew, I know they have been reborn and we'll meet again someday.
In the words of that crazy ass movie and Lance Armstrong, "walk hard,live strong"
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
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