Alright, look, check it. Right now, at least to us, shit is at a literal stand still. I mean, me and Boogie have been home from school since late November, that's a hell of a lot earlier than other colleges. In the short (but really long and boring) time we've been back, a lot of events and emotions have unfolded.
I had my first ever run in with the law. I thought I was invincible I tell you, I was driving in my mom's car coming from the Golden Arches. She's had an out back turn signal since the summer time, I guess the tail light finally gave out. I was just down the street when a cruiser turned on the lights. I'm mack daddy cool like, they certainly aren't after me, so I keep rollin'. They never passed me, so I pull over. A middle-aged-fine-ass-lady-cop steps out and gives me the usual, "License and registration". I was royally fucked because anyone that knows me, knows I do not have a license to operate any form of vehicle. I'm like, I don't have a license, this isn't my car. She got all pissed and asked for my state I.D. Y'all know I never carry that all, so I give the social, she comes back like, your temps are expired(tell me something I don't know). She calls me mum and said she has to have the car towed. I'm like shit, fuck!
So I get out with Happy Meals and dranks and she's like, "You're not carrying anything on you I should know about are you? No baggies of marijuana?" So I sat the drinks and food on her car while she patted me down, having the time of her life, all the while, everybody driving past felt obligated to look me directly in the eyes.
She opened the back seat door and said ,"Do me in the back of the car", well, at least that's what I wanted her to say. I'm sitting in the back seat, and I realized I had never been there before. Boogie wasn't lying about the comfort level of those seats, them shits is in the negatives. All in all, I got a court date on January 6th, which interferes with my return to school on the 5th. I'm gonna be down here longer than expected, I go to the courts on the 6th just to tell them I don't have an attorney, then who knows from that point forward. I hate life right now, I finally decide to do the "right" thing and shit blows up in my face, but it's called life. So the officer is all like, "This is big boy court, it's not juvie, and no more driving!" (My ass) Damn, racial profiling at its finest, she was black too, but shit, I apparently look like a juvenile delinquent, it's all ish.
So what's this gotta do with Departure, Fulfillment and Return? Well, sir...These are the steps a hero takes on a quest, so I was taught. I was out on a good deed for the family, departure. I got the food, but was thwarted by the law, fulfillment. I came back with a story to tell, return. Hmm....ok, not really,but still.
This ties into what we're thinking of in the band. Ace suggested we as group move somewhere outside of the 'Nati to help a certain sombody find himself. So....depart from Ohio, live there, survive, succeed, etc, fulfill it and return, maybe.
We thought of numerous places to make this happen at. My idea, Paris, Ace suggested, Amsterdam....haha, to our surprise, European folks are a lot richer than us. The average rent in Amsterdam monthly is about 1700 Euros which is 2,371.84 US Dollars. Whoo, nelly! Let's keep it American, ya? We debated over Chi-Town, Ace is afraid of the cold, after last night, I am too.
We finally got a 2/3 vote on Miami, Florida, by accident though. Ace just typed me M.I.A.M.I(Money Is A Major Issue), I said, all I need is a linen suit, some loafers and no socks. It was pretty much settled because, I like orange juice, Ace likes the warm weather and Fauste likes old people. Florida, we'll see you sometime down the road.
Mmm,mmm,mmm, I can't wait.
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit