But, there is only one game that if I had the choice to play over and over again it would have to be........ Final Fantasy 7.
No, not the entire series, there are far too many of them bitches, and they aren't half s entertaining or creative.
For the FF7 illiterate, it's a story of passion, prophecy and poor graphics. It was the first Final Fantasy to be displayed in 3D and it's basically Diamond status with its worldwide sales. You can find a copy of this game going from anywhere between $80-$300, yeah, it's that good.
Originally it starts off with the main character, Cloud, who joins an effort to take down a bunch Mako(Nuclear) plants made by the Shinra corporation. After the team destroys the first reactor, the story changes, when Cloud meets Aerie, a flower girl, who is the last of a race called The Ancients. The story goes into more twisted directions as Cloud reminisces over his mentor Sephiroth who burned down his home village and killed everyone he ever loved. The party of Cloud, Tifa(a busty white chick), Barret(a black cussing dude with a white daughter), Red XIII(a dog), and Aerie travel and meet all kinds of colorful characters.
The gameplay was amazing, but it could've used work. If you've ever played Poke'Mon on Gameboy, you probably would remember how fights would initiate, randomly.
This was a groundbreaking game because of the means of transportation you could acquire. There were Chocobos(giant birds that came in all the colors of the rainbow, representing different abilities), the Highwind(an airship), and a car(it breaks down as soon as you get it).
The deepness of the storyline is probably what made this such a classic installment.
Originally, the game was supposed to be featured on Super Nintendo and after that was scrapped, the Nintendo 64. The creator put it on Playstation of because he couldn't fit such a game on one cartridge, which is why the game is 3 discs long.
If you can find a copy of this joint, hold tight to it.....for real.
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
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