"It's like a cycle, niggas come home, some'll go in
Do a bullet, come back, do the same shit again
From the womb to the tomb, presume the unpredictable
Guns salute life, rapidly, that's the ritual"
- Nas "Verbal Intercourse"
Wise words, though the lyric refers to street life, I think you can expand the street prophet's words a little more.
As the year comes to a close, you kind of think about birth and rebirth. I was watching VH1's 30 Years of Hip Hop. I began to think about the old saying, "History repeats itself". That's inevitable. Then I saw a phone commercial, you know a person's voice mail is personified in front of them and what not? Well, they showed a snowman, how festive. The snowman began to melt and I began to think....
Existence is one big ass continuous cycle. I know I shed some light on this idea in an earlier post,but this idea is getting more dynamic in my head.
A snowman, for instance, has been a snowman billions of times if you think about it. The water in the water cycle isn't new, we've been sippin' the same water for billions of years. The ice cubes in your freezer may have been there several times previously. You see?
I compared this to human life. So I think of this Nicole Kidman movie, "Birth". In the film, her husband dies and then this kid claims to be her husband.....Ok, it's not the best idea to derive your knowledge from a movie, but movies represent beliefs and ideas, shiiiit....why can't reincarnation be true?
If you're getting into this idea, then you might wonder if animals can come back and such...Well, I don't know for a fact,but I learned in a World Cultures class about the resurrection scale or whatever mess. See, some culture believed when you die, depending on the life you led, you'd return either higher or lower on the social ladder. Some beliefs state you could return as an animal, others just thought you'd either come back richer or poorer.
I haven't developed my thoughts yet on the grounds of being an animal.........I think too much.
Carry on....
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
P.S.- I wonder if Tom of Myspace has a Facebook page....haha, that would be funny.
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