So peep it:
Jimi Hendrix was said to have starred in a home movie where he takes on two brunettes. There is no sound and it is said that the man in the video is not even him. That's what they always say. A 60 year old ex of his defended his case and said it couldn't be him , he was too shy to be so open in the bed room. I read you can find the tape on the Internet for about 40 bones. Have cool,will travel.
Pebbles, I mean, Marilyn Monroe, Hollywood's finest, was also accused of starring in a home movie. The funny thing about this flick is, it's in black and white and has no sound either. That just trips me out like, cats in the '50s were like, 'hey, lets film people doin' it.' You know, it was such a prissy time. But for like 15 minutes straight, they say she's just givin' it. The dude's face is not shown, but rumors say it could be JFK or Bobby Kennedy. Now that's Preseidential. Unlike Jimi, Ms.Monroe's sex tape sold for a milli and half. The FBI confiscated the tape, but you know an inside man copied it, and now if you look hard enough, you can find the first porno flick EVER!
Just some random gobbldy gook I thought I should share. Carry on!
The E-M-P'll Say P.E.A.C.E
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Spit Yo Game, Talk Yo Shit
Sorry sir but pornography started in the 20's; way before Marilyn Monroe, so it wasn't the first porno flick next time do more research you amateur.
I don't give a cotton pickin' FUCK!
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