The Green Team has established headquarter's. Day 1's room in Green Team Central. Cincinnati is Green Team South. West and East have yet to be determined. My fiance's haus could be West and my cousin's house in Blue Ash could be given a green tint.
The fun aspect of this rap thing is the materials. I got a list of some shit The Green Team is about.
The non-alcholic drink of The Green Team is Jones Green Apple Soda. It's pure sugar cane sugar and it has no caffeine. Cop yourself a $5 4 pack of these and go to town. This drank is cool with me because it's from Canada a.k.a France II.When Jones doesn't hold a sweepstakes they have fortune cookie-esque words of inspiration under the cap. How ill is that?
I've been a BAPE clothing head since my step brother introduced me to the butt ugly shoes. If you're gonna be Green Team material, you gotta have love for a $300 hoodie. You can catch Pharrell and Weezy with the red or purple ones on, but we all know the green one is definitely the way to go.
"Could it be the skunk weed that makes us oh so funky?
Now hold it let me choose, couldn't be the booze
No it's the shoes (the shoes?) It's gotta be the shoes!"-Mr.Funke of Lords of the Underground "Chief Rocka
True shit, some women don't like weed or alchy, what's something everybody admires.....Fresh kicks. 'Specially these Do The Dew Dunks. If M.T. Bag wasn't rockin' Reeboks, Filas, and Pumas so heavy, best believe, we'd have Dunks flooding out of the walk in closet.
Honestly, I'm tired of using technology, but this has been the apple of my eye ever since I bought my first LRG fabrics. It is believed that Sidekicks are phones for women, but that's strictly opinion. I don't see Luxirie on the phone, I see LRG, so fuck the haters on the grind.
"I'm okay, but my watch sick." Just looking at this thing, you're like, how do you tell the time? On the really doe, I can't answer that question. But these state of the art time pieces come with a guide to help the consumer understand it. I know how to use the other ones, they make a little more sense, this one, I can't crack for the life of me.
If I had more knowledge on botany, I'd build one of these. Any stoner would get where I'm going from here.....
Another post brought to you courtesy of boredom.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Out Here Grindin'
So for the first time since we completed our first abum, myself, Ace Boogie AND Sub-Lym In All got together in the studio and recorded like hell.
The first track we did was "Every Man 4 Himself" for Music On A CD, now we await Yung Skeem to get on it and it'll be done.
Next, we put Relly Boi on our mixtape track, "Pants On(Zip)". The band got back together to then lay out, "Hoes", "Cloud 9", and "Slut Shoppin' ", all of which will be featured on Music On A CD.
After we murdered those tracks, Sub and I ordered food without a car in the McDonald's drive-thru.
As of the typing of this post, we're watching hood parody classic, Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood. "..............The Man...................."
I"m about to mixtape mix the new ones.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
The first track we did was "Every Man 4 Himself" for Music On A CD, now we await Yung Skeem to get on it and it'll be done.
Next, we put Relly Boi on our mixtape track, "Pants On(Zip)". The band got back together to then lay out, "Hoes", "Cloud 9", and "Slut Shoppin' ", all of which will be featured on Music On A CD.
After we murdered those tracks, Sub and I ordered food without a car in the McDonald's drive-thru.
As of the typing of this post, we're watching hood parody classic, Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood. "..............The Man...................."
I"m about to mixtape mix the new ones.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Broke On Black Friday(Zemanováload!!!)
So, yet another Thanksgiving has gone by and yet again, I am broke on Black Friday.
I'm especially mad this year because Macy's had a super sale and I missed out on all the LRG, shit.
Well, at least I still get to catch the bootiest football teams go at it, the Army and the Navy.
Happy belated Thanksgiving since I didn't mention it on the top 10 post.
What did I do on Black Friday? I got to change the skin in my FL Studio to a more Daredevil-esque theme, it's wicked. Why did I write this post? Because I was bored, you don't like it? Sue me.
Hmm...some knick-knack-paddy-whacks should go here, huh?
I present to you an end of the month treat.
It's kinda like Lady O' The Month, but that post is for audiences ages 13 and up.
Here's something for the grown and perverted.
Veronika Zemanová
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
I'm especially mad this year because Macy's had a super sale and I missed out on all the LRG, shit.
Well, at least I still get to catch the bootiest football teams go at it, the Army and the Navy.
Happy belated Thanksgiving since I didn't mention it on the top 10 post.
What did I do on Black Friday? I got to change the skin in my FL Studio to a more Daredevil-esque theme, it's wicked. Why did I write this post? Because I was bored, you don't like it? Sue me.
Hmm...some knick-knack-paddy-whacks should go here, huh?
I present to you an end of the month treat.
It's kinda like Lady O' The Month, but that post is for audiences ages 13 and up.
Here's something for the grown and perverted.
Veronika Zemanová
Ok, she's not really a porn star, she's just a nude model. M.T. Bag, we keep tabs on the hot ones. Stay tuned, for next month will be Boogie's Lady O' The Month choice maybe PORNSTAR too.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Top 10 Albums/Mixtapes of 2008 (As Told By Empathy)
The following are the hottest albums/mixtapes I've heard this year. They provided the soundtrack for my life these 11 months, well, for as long as they were out....They come in no particular order and they appear on this list mainly for their originality and creativity, as well as nice album covers.
SWEET LORD- First and foremost, MURS, he's been an influence upon my writings and I've been a fan of him since 2004, when I stumbled upon his song, "God's Work" ,off his album The End of the Beginning...This feature was brought to my attention back in the summertime by Ace Boogie. I wasn't trying to hear it because we were in the final stages of our album, but once it came on, it played front to back. Two stand out tracks to me are "Are You Ready?" and "Marry Me". The collaboration was produced by Little Brother's producer, 9th Wonder, who produced "Threat" for Jay-Z, "Honey" for Erykah Badu and more recently "Do The Right Thang" for Ludacris. This feature can be downloaded free here: MURS released this album for free as an incentive to his fans, they can have this "present" only if they promised to go out and buy his most recent album, MURS For President.
SILVER MEDALLION will probably be the most unheard of feature on this list, basically because the group hasn't reached the mainstream yet. Supreeme is a rap group based in Atlanta, Georgia, but listening to them, you'd never be able to tell. I was put on to these cats back in 2006 by a classmate, she was crazy for underground rappers. Everyday in our college-esque art history class, she'd bang all the usual suspects, MURS, MF DOOM, and U.N.K.L.E. One day I heard something I'd never heard before, the sound was distinct. I took home a copy of their first commercial album and I've been a follower ever since. They were signed to Warner Brother's music label by MURS. Not too long ago, they released their LP, Silver Medallion. It's a good listen if you want to break away from the monotony of the radio. The single off this one is "I'm Crazy", other highlight songs off of it are,"The Best Years", "Dios Mio" and "Set 4 Life". You can get this one from: .
WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU LEMONS- This album, that title's been edited for consumer friendliness , "When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold", is a wild ride. I had already had knowledge of Atmosphere prior to hearing this album. I caught them performing on MTV2 in between shows and commercial breaks and I liked the emcee in the lead vocalist, Ant. It's quite obvious this band has something to say. Back in the summer, I caught a video on demand off this album called "Shoulda Known". The video is of a lesbian couple...really, just watch the video. . I finally had a chance to listen to the album, at first Boogie and I were chit chatting over the song "Yesterday". To the naked ear, the first and second verse lead you to believe it's just another sappy heartbreak song, until the last line of the third verse explodes your perspective. This led us to review the rest of the album. Some key tracks are: "Shoulda Known", "Your Glasshouse", "Yesterday", "Guarantees" and "The Waitress".
THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT MIXTAPE- Honestly, I am a person who is a huge fan of beauty rest, so I do a lot of sleeping. I've slept on a lot of emcees in my day, Lupe Fiasco, Lil' Wayne, and Eminem, just to name a few....But this is one I don't really know what was wrong with me. It all the summer, yet again. My long time producing friend, Burnz was playing a lot of staticy music from his phone. One artist in particular he kept going on about was Asher Roth. Me, being the biggest gamer at heart could only think of a Soul Calibur character, Astaroth. I was confused from the get go. The first track I heard was "Roth Boys", I literally thought it was Eminem coming out on some weak shit. Because of the quality of the song, I couldn't dig it and I refused to listen to anything else. Later, that summer, Ace Boogie brought over a copy of "The Green House Effect Mixtape" along with "Sweet Lord" by MURS. Like I said earlier, MURS got a front to back play. I had to pick at Mr.Roth. My opinion instantly changed. He was different, yet that different was sincerely him. He didn't drop one gun or coke rhyme. I think of XXL's Class of 2009 in the way Kanye West said it. He told an interviewer, hip hop is like high school. Hip-hop used to be about standing out, now it's about being afraid and fitting in. Roth as well the C/O 2009 are like the new kids at school and I think they'll do just fine. Stand out tracks on this joint: "Roth Boys", "Mr.Me 2","Black Mags" and "Gimme Your Box". Get this tape from:
THE MIXTAPE ABOUT NOTHING- One of the more recent of my listenings was reccommended to me back when I first graduated by one of my protege's from my old art school. The protege texted me like," Yo, have you heard Wale, Mixtape About Nothing?" I'm sitting there like "Nah,sahn." He was quite adamant about me hearing this Wale fella. He's one of the nicest young'n's I've heard in a while, he'll fool you though. I really thought he was gonna be trash. He's got a nice life story and he's seriously earned his deal at Interscope. Plus, he's the only underground cat I know that had big stars on his tracks. This mixtape features, Chrisette Michelle, The Roots, Bun-B and Pusha T(The Clipse) and Lil'Wayne. Because of the Seinfeld theme, he somehow got the chick that played Elaine to lend her voice on the mixtape. Now, me, back in the day, I would've laughed my ass off at the premise at this tape. I wasn't as open minded back then, and kinda racist, I would be like, 'black people don't watch Seinfeld'. It's a new day. Speaking of racism, he's got this track talking about the N-Word, called(what better name to give it?), "The Kramer." That's one of the big boy tracks, other than that, "The Manipulation", "The Artistic Integrity", The Crazy" and "The Vacation From Ourselves". You can get what I get here:
DEDICATION 3- This is the last mixtape, I swear....Anyway. Lil' Wayne is the #1 emcee I used to sleep on. I started listening to Weezy when he dropped Da Drought 3. Since then, I followed the Drought series hard, I wasn't too big on the Dedication series, though, I like selected tracks from them. This isn't Wayne's strongest mixtape by a long shot, but it is thoroughly entertaining. Wayne is still high and drunk on every track, his voice is scratchier than ever and the skits are on "Super Asshole" Mode. Do I dig? I dig. Some key tracks by airwaves of The Green Team are, "Bang Bang", "Dick Pleaser", "Put On For The Game", and "Get Bizzy". I admit, he's a prolific muthafucka, he's got Dedication 4 and Tha Carter III:Rebirth coming out this year. Get your Dedication 3 here:
THE RECESSION- Mr.17.5 is one of the most improved rappers in my book since I first heard him. I never took Jeezy seriously because of his verse on Gucci Mane's "So Icy". He killed the track, but I didn't take him seriously. It took Thug Motivation 101 to clear that up for me, mainly "Trap Or Die". This feature truly shocked me that it wasn't titled 103,but, eh, you gotta stray from the same shit sometime. This really isn't his best album, but it proves to me his mind revolves around more than just birds, choppers, Lamborghinis and iced out bracelets. I expected the release of this one ever since I first heard "Put On". Really the Kanye West aspect is what drew me into the song, like, 'Yeezy made that beat?'. But, the video showed me how much of a revolutionary the Snow Man can be. For people who claim to not be rappers, they sure do release a lot of rap material early and often *Cough*, Jay-Z. The tone of the album is the same since the same producers worked on his other two albums. The track "My President" featuring NaS, would have made-or-"breaked" him in my opinion a month ago. If Obama wasn't elected, he'd have a good sounding anachronism on his album. My favorites on this one are "Amazing", "What They Want", "Put On", "By The Way", "Word Play" and "Circulate".
PAPER TRAILS OF A HUSTLER- KING............T.I. Vs. T.I.P(warming up)....................Paper Trail(he's on FIRE!!!!!)................T.I in my opinion wasn't a rapper that settled well with me back in the day. I'm Serious, I hadn't heard of its existence until after Urban Legend. Trap Muzik produced one good track to me, "Be Easy". Urban Legend marked the change of the rapper though, he started to dump his high pitched, squeaky voice and it seemed like he went through emcee puberty. KING marked when I was able to listen to multiple tracks at a time by him and not skip it. T.I. Vs. T.I.P was the soundtrack to my 2007 summer. Paper Trail, I was quite hesitant about it. I heard "Whatever You Like" before the first single "No Matter What" and I was pissed he rapped on the "Lollipop" beat. It grew on me a little more. I did research and stumble upon "Swagga Like Us". My opinion on SLU, lyrically it goes: Hov,Wayne,West,T.I.. Delivery it goes: T.I., West,Wayne,Hov. Now this doesn't mean anybody was buttcheeks. My favorite track on the whole album would have to be "I'm Illy". I never heard T.I. go hard like that, he knows he got skills, he just doesn't push them out as often as I'd like, honestly, it wouldn't sell records. Nice tracks on this are: "Swagga Like Us", "56 Barz", "I'm Illy", "Swing Ya Rag", "What Up,What's Happenin?" and "You Ain't Missin' Nothing".
THEATRE OF THE MIND- If you've got ears, you probably already know, Ludacris has never dropped a mediocre album, maybe Red Light District. Other than that, he's a consistent dude. This album, I would only expect from an artist like Luda. Producers get listed as The Score and features get listed Co-Stars. He's got some 5 star co-stars this trip as well as big name people for the score. He goes down as the first Southern rapper to get himself a beat by DJ Premeir. Each track is based upon a movie in a sense. I think something happened to his perspective when he cut the braids off, he eliminated the skits off his albums. He's been planning this album since Release Therapy and some crazy shit to me is, he is thinking of a sequel to Theater of the Mind for 2009. Some highlights on this on, "Wish You Would", "Everybody Hates Chris", "Last Of A Dying Breed", "I Do It For Hip-Hop" and "Do The Right Thing".
808S & HEARTBREAK- I saved this one for last because it's one of my personal favorites. I've been awaiting this one since I saw him perform "Love Lockdown" on the VMAs. As soon as "Love Lockdown" hit the radio officially, I looked at the tracklist and became saddened by how quickly each song became leaked on the Internet. Everybody in the blogosphere had mixed feelings about this album. Some felt like it was a slap in the face because they wanted Good Ass Job to be his next release. Others agreed with Mr.West as he journeyed deeper into the world of experimentation. Much like myself, Kanye is an artist at heart and he's got a lot creativity in him. I read, when he had his listening party, he had 40 nude models come out in wool masks and stand under ever changing colored lights as his music played. West states that the nudity helped listeners see his objective, emotional nakedness, freedom to express ones thoughts without worrying what people think. I feel the album was little rushed,but there's a Blueprint 3 that needs catering. My favorites on this one, "Love Lockdown","Heartless", "Say You Will", "Amazing", "Bad News" and "See You In My Nightmares". Let the man have his fun with his auto-tune, Boogie.
On that note......
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
SWEET LORD- First and foremost, MURS, he's been an influence upon my writings and I've been a fan of him since 2004, when I stumbled upon his song, "God's Work" ,off his album The End of the Beginning...This feature was brought to my attention back in the summertime by Ace Boogie. I wasn't trying to hear it because we were in the final stages of our album, but once it came on, it played front to back. Two stand out tracks to me are "Are You Ready?" and "Marry Me". The collaboration was produced by Little Brother's producer, 9th Wonder, who produced "Threat" for Jay-Z, "Honey" for Erykah Badu and more recently "Do The Right Thang" for Ludacris. This feature can be downloaded free here: MURS released this album for free as an incentive to his fans, they can have this "present" only if they promised to go out and buy his most recent album, MURS For President.
SILVER MEDALLION will probably be the most unheard of feature on this list, basically because the group hasn't reached the mainstream yet. Supreeme is a rap group based in Atlanta, Georgia, but listening to them, you'd never be able to tell. I was put on to these cats back in 2006 by a classmate, she was crazy for underground rappers. Everyday in our college-esque art history class, she'd bang all the usual suspects, MURS, MF DOOM, and U.N.K.L.E. One day I heard something I'd never heard before, the sound was distinct. I took home a copy of their first commercial album and I've been a follower ever since. They were signed to Warner Brother's music label by MURS. Not too long ago, they released their LP, Silver Medallion. It's a good listen if you want to break away from the monotony of the radio. The single off this one is "I'm Crazy", other highlight songs off of it are,"The Best Years", "Dios Mio" and "Set 4 Life". You can get this one from: .
WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU LEMONS- This album, that title's been edited for consumer friendliness , "When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold", is a wild ride. I had already had knowledge of Atmosphere prior to hearing this album. I caught them performing on MTV2 in between shows and commercial breaks and I liked the emcee in the lead vocalist, Ant. It's quite obvious this band has something to say. Back in the summer, I caught a video on demand off this album called "Shoulda Known". The video is of a lesbian couple...really, just watch the video. . I finally had a chance to listen to the album, at first Boogie and I were chit chatting over the song "Yesterday". To the naked ear, the first and second verse lead you to believe it's just another sappy heartbreak song, until the last line of the third verse explodes your perspective. This led us to review the rest of the album. Some key tracks are: "Shoulda Known", "Your Glasshouse", "Yesterday", "Guarantees" and "The Waitress".
THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT MIXTAPE- Honestly, I am a person who is a huge fan of beauty rest, so I do a lot of sleeping. I've slept on a lot of emcees in my day, Lupe Fiasco, Lil' Wayne, and Eminem, just to name a few....But this is one I don't really know what was wrong with me. It all the summer, yet again. My long time producing friend, Burnz was playing a lot of staticy music from his phone. One artist in particular he kept going on about was Asher Roth. Me, being the biggest gamer at heart could only think of a Soul Calibur character, Astaroth. I was confused from the get go. The first track I heard was "Roth Boys", I literally thought it was Eminem coming out on some weak shit. Because of the quality of the song, I couldn't dig it and I refused to listen to anything else. Later, that summer, Ace Boogie brought over a copy of "The Green House Effect Mixtape" along with "Sweet Lord" by MURS. Like I said earlier, MURS got a front to back play. I had to pick at Mr.Roth. My opinion instantly changed. He was different, yet that different was sincerely him. He didn't drop one gun or coke rhyme. I think of XXL's Class of 2009 in the way Kanye West said it. He told an interviewer, hip hop is like high school. Hip-hop used to be about standing out, now it's about being afraid and fitting in. Roth as well the C/O 2009 are like the new kids at school and I think they'll do just fine. Stand out tracks on this joint: "Roth Boys", "Mr.Me 2","Black Mags" and "Gimme Your Box". Get this tape from:
THE MIXTAPE ABOUT NOTHING- One of the more recent of my listenings was reccommended to me back when I first graduated by one of my protege's from my old art school. The protege texted me like," Yo, have you heard Wale, Mixtape About Nothing?" I'm sitting there like "Nah,sahn." He was quite adamant about me hearing this Wale fella. He's one of the nicest young'n's I've heard in a while, he'll fool you though. I really thought he was gonna be trash. He's got a nice life story and he's seriously earned his deal at Interscope. Plus, he's the only underground cat I know that had big stars on his tracks. This mixtape features, Chrisette Michelle, The Roots, Bun-B and Pusha T(The Clipse) and Lil'Wayne. Because of the Seinfeld theme, he somehow got the chick that played Elaine to lend her voice on the mixtape. Now, me, back in the day, I would've laughed my ass off at the premise at this tape. I wasn't as open minded back then, and kinda racist, I would be like, 'black people don't watch Seinfeld'. It's a new day. Speaking of racism, he's got this track talking about the N-Word, called(what better name to give it?), "The Kramer." That's one of the big boy tracks, other than that, "The Manipulation", "The Artistic Integrity", The Crazy" and "The Vacation From Ourselves". You can get what I get here:
DEDICATION 3- This is the last mixtape, I swear....Anyway. Lil' Wayne is the #1 emcee I used to sleep on. I started listening to Weezy when he dropped Da Drought 3. Since then, I followed the Drought series hard, I wasn't too big on the Dedication series, though, I like selected tracks from them. This isn't Wayne's strongest mixtape by a long shot, but it is thoroughly entertaining. Wayne is still high and drunk on every track, his voice is scratchier than ever and the skits are on "Super Asshole" Mode. Do I dig? I dig. Some key tracks by airwaves of The Green Team are, "Bang Bang", "Dick Pleaser", "Put On For The Game", and "Get Bizzy". I admit, he's a prolific muthafucka, he's got Dedication 4 and Tha Carter III:Rebirth coming out this year. Get your Dedication 3 here:
THE RECESSION- Mr.17.5 is one of the most improved rappers in my book since I first heard him. I never took Jeezy seriously because of his verse on Gucci Mane's "So Icy". He killed the track, but I didn't take him seriously. It took Thug Motivation 101 to clear that up for me, mainly "Trap Or Die". This feature truly shocked me that it wasn't titled 103,but, eh, you gotta stray from the same shit sometime. This really isn't his best album, but it proves to me his mind revolves around more than just birds, choppers, Lamborghinis and iced out bracelets. I expected the release of this one ever since I first heard "Put On". Really the Kanye West aspect is what drew me into the song, like, 'Yeezy made that beat?'. But, the video showed me how much of a revolutionary the Snow Man can be. For people who claim to not be rappers, they sure do release a lot of rap material early and often *Cough*, Jay-Z. The tone of the album is the same since the same producers worked on his other two albums. The track "My President" featuring NaS, would have made-or-"breaked" him in my opinion a month ago. If Obama wasn't elected, he'd have a good sounding anachronism on his album. My favorites on this one are "Amazing", "What They Want", "Put On", "By The Way", "Word Play" and "Circulate".
PAPER TRAILS OF A HUSTLER- KING............T.I. Vs. T.I.P(warming up)....................Paper Trail(he's on FIRE!!!!!)................T.I in my opinion wasn't a rapper that settled well with me back in the day. I'm Serious, I hadn't heard of its existence until after Urban Legend. Trap Muzik produced one good track to me, "Be Easy". Urban Legend marked the change of the rapper though, he started to dump his high pitched, squeaky voice and it seemed like he went through emcee puberty. KING marked when I was able to listen to multiple tracks at a time by him and not skip it. T.I. Vs. T.I.P was the soundtrack to my 2007 summer. Paper Trail, I was quite hesitant about it. I heard "Whatever You Like" before the first single "No Matter What" and I was pissed he rapped on the "Lollipop" beat. It grew on me a little more. I did research and stumble upon "Swagga Like Us". My opinion on SLU, lyrically it goes: Hov,Wayne,West,T.I.. Delivery it goes: T.I., West,Wayne,Hov. Now this doesn't mean anybody was buttcheeks. My favorite track on the whole album would have to be "I'm Illy". I never heard T.I. go hard like that, he knows he got skills, he just doesn't push them out as often as I'd like, honestly, it wouldn't sell records. Nice tracks on this are: "Swagga Like Us", "56 Barz", "I'm Illy", "Swing Ya Rag", "What Up,What's Happenin?" and "You Ain't Missin' Nothing".


On that note......
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Auto-Tune DOOM
Well, it took a while,but I can finally agree with Ace Boogie. Boogie is not a supporter of the Auto-Tune movement, he believes it's like rap steroids. He says the use of it is cheating, making one sound as if they can sing when they can't.
I tried to get into the movement myself, but could never manage to get it to work. Not even after reading the most recent issue of XXL Magazine was I convinced about how abused the plugin is abused.
It all started back in 2005 with T-pain's debut, "I'm Sprung". I was the only person in my generation who didn't instantly fall in love with the robot sound. I found it annoying, but the more and more I heard from T-Pain, the fad eventually set with me.
I respected the man for doing his own thing and selling ass loads of records.
2008 represents the turning point.
In '07, I downloaded Lil' Wayne's Da Drought is Over 4. Any Weezanya fan knows how much he used the auto-tune on this joint. "Rider","I Took Her", and "I Like It". The plugin was later used on his real album's music, "Lollipop". I believe this marked a downhill turn for the worse.
The Dream on his first track, "Shawty is a 10"
Later, other rappers followed suit, Yung Berg "The Business", and the list goes on: Gorilla Zoe, Tyga, Rick Ross, Tony Yayo, 50 and Lloyd Banks, LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West. Even some singers, R.Kelly, Neyo, Chris Brown, Rihanna, and Nelly Furtado. It just goes on and on.
The really funny thing about what's going today is, I haven't listened to the radio prior to today for over ten weeks. Jim Jones with his champagne song, the singer anyhow....
I sat in the passenger seat today bored off my ass. Everything sounds the same and I could only think about M.T. Bag and how much we don't sound like any of that shit.
Now, I can respect anybody using Auto-Tune that makes it sound good. That's why I'm not bothered by Kanye West's newest release "808s & Heartbreaks". I think his album is a breath of fresh air honestly. I dig how none of the beats are Hip-Hop and how he has a concept to the album. Plus he recorded the album in Hawaii; the area in which he recorded it had an area code of 808, it was meant to be.
Long story short, there are few cats who can pull of Auto-Tune in my book: T-Pain and Kanye West, Lil' Wayne entertains me thoroughly when he does it. This brings me to the five seconds Jay-Z used it on the "Put On(Remix", many of his die hard fans just knew he was gonna sell out until he said,"I don't need no T-Pain".
2008 is gonna go down as Auto-Tune year in my book. I'm gonna leave you with this beacause I think it's funny.
On that note....
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
I tried to get into the movement myself, but could never manage to get it to work. Not even after reading the most recent issue of XXL Magazine was I convinced about how abused the plugin is abused.
It all started back in 2005 with T-pain's debut, "I'm Sprung". I was the only person in my generation who didn't instantly fall in love with the robot sound. I found it annoying, but the more and more I heard from T-Pain, the fad eventually set with me.
I respected the man for doing his own thing and selling ass loads of records.
2008 represents the turning point.
In '07, I downloaded Lil' Wayne's Da Drought is Over 4. Any Weezanya fan knows how much he used the auto-tune on this joint. "Rider","I Took Her", and "I Like It". The plugin was later used on his real album's music, "Lollipop". I believe this marked a downhill turn for the worse.
The Dream on his first track, "Shawty is a 10"
Later, other rappers followed suit, Yung Berg "The Business", and the list goes on: Gorilla Zoe, Tyga, Rick Ross, Tony Yayo, 50 and Lloyd Banks, LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West. Even some singers, R.Kelly, Neyo, Chris Brown, Rihanna, and Nelly Furtado. It just goes on and on.
The really funny thing about what's going today is, I haven't listened to the radio prior to today for over ten weeks. Jim Jones with his champagne song, the singer anyhow....
I sat in the passenger seat today bored off my ass. Everything sounds the same and I could only think about M.T. Bag and how much we don't sound like any of that shit.
Now, I can respect anybody using Auto-Tune that makes it sound good. That's why I'm not bothered by Kanye West's newest release "808s & Heartbreaks". I think his album is a breath of fresh air honestly. I dig how none of the beats are Hip-Hop and how he has a concept to the album. Plus he recorded the album in Hawaii; the area in which he recorded it had an area code of 808, it was meant to be.
Long story short, there are few cats who can pull of Auto-Tune in my book: T-Pain and Kanye West, Lil' Wayne entertains me thoroughly when he does it. This brings me to the five seconds Jay-Z used it on the "Put On(Remix", many of his die hard fans just knew he was gonna sell out until he said,"I don't need no T-Pain".
2008 is gonna go down as Auto-Tune year in my book. I'm gonna leave you with this beacause I think it's funny.
On that note....
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Th!$ !$ Wh@+ H@ppen$ When Mur0(k H@$ M0ney 0n H!s M!nd
Whenever the idea of money enters my mind, I start to think of ways to spend it...always.....
Here are some investments I'd make if I had it like that....
Purple Rain
Here are some investments I'd make if I had it like that....
True Blue Do
Purple Rain
For those of whom who don't follow fashions, The True Blue Do outfit consists of, A Bathing Ape hoodie, Electronic Gladiator True Fit Straight Jeans by LRG, and First Round shoes by Puma.
The Purple Rain outfit is, yet again BAPE and LRG, and the grape flavored Kool-Aid shoe by Reebok.
Also if I had cash out the ying yang, I'd buy one of these:On that note.....
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Green Team/Gangrene
First and foremost, I'd like to take a moment of silence for Ben Ghrimm's dad who passed away Monday morning.................
All rise. Na na, made you rise.....
Anyhow... What is The Green Team?
Well, it all started up at Wright State University. The school colors of this institute are Green and Gold.
So when Ace and I arrived at WSU, we met some cats from Sidney,OH. These gentlemen, Day1 and Kief, partake in the natural herbs of the planet much like we do and that's where we hit it off.
Day1's roommates, Sponge-Fuck and Pat-Fuck later joined the team.
Essentially, The Green Team, is M.T. Bag's promotional street team. Aside from promoting the movement, we usually meet everyday of the week to play NBA Live two-thousand something, Halo and The Punisher, and that booty ass Stuntman game....
When we don't lolly gag in that sense, we can be found,"Drinkin' on some liquor" and "rollin' up a nickel bag", like, EVERYDAY.
Gangrene was in effect way before the group received its name. It all started when myself, Ace, and Kief all wore green coincidentally. We all got to Day1's room and he followed suit and changed into green, thus, THE GREEN TEAM, beautiful, isn't it?
If you're a student at UC or WSU, expect to see a member of Gangrene in your face with an Original Cin Mixtape, beyotch!

The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
All rise. Na na, made you rise.....
Anyhow... What is The Green Team?
Well, it all started up at Wright State University. The school colors of this institute are Green and Gold.
So when Ace and I arrived at WSU, we met some cats from Sidney,OH. These gentlemen, Day1 and Kief, partake in the natural herbs of the planet much like we do and that's where we hit it off.
Day1's roommates, Sponge-Fuck and Pat-Fuck later joined the team.
Essentially, The Green Team, is M.T. Bag's promotional street team. Aside from promoting the movement, we usually meet everyday of the week to play NBA Live two-thousand something, Halo and The Punisher, and that booty ass Stuntman game....
When we don't lolly gag in that sense, we can be found,"Drinkin' on some liquor" and "rollin' up a nickel bag", like, EVERYDAY.
Gangrene was in effect way before the group received its name. It all started when myself, Ace, and Kief all wore green coincidentally. We all got to Day1's room and he followed suit and changed into green, thus, THE GREEN TEAM, beautiful, isn't it?
If you're a student at UC or WSU, expect to see a member of Gangrene in your face with an Original Cin Mixtape, beyotch!

The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Sunday, November 23, 2008
"This Rap S**t is So Easy"
I was just watching Boogie play Guitar Hero and it dawned upon rappers, we don't do jack shit. It takes talent to compose these melodic notes, we producers just steal that hard work. It takes hard work to write those lyrics, as rappers, just rap over that hard work.
We see it as art and entertainment, convincing ourselves that we're putting our own spin on fact, if no one can tell what you rap over is a sample and it is, you've done your job........
I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about this, I wanna keep flipping these unheard songs and claim them as my own creation,but this new part of my brain keeps saying no, no, no. It's all ish though, as long as I'm having my fun with it, does it matter. I mean, all our favorite singers have done cover songs of other singers. So, will the sample based sound, expect a dramatic decrease.
'Nuff Said, True Believers, Excelsior!!!!!!!!!
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
We see it as art and entertainment, convincing ourselves that we're putting our own spin on fact, if no one can tell what you rap over is a sample and it is, you've done your job........
I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about this, I wanna keep flipping these unheard songs and claim them as my own creation,but this new part of my brain keeps saying no, no, no. It's all ish though, as long as I'm having my fun with it, does it matter. I mean, all our favorite singers have done cover songs of other singers. So, will the sample based sound, expect a dramatic decrease.
'Nuff Said, True Believers, Excelsior!!!!!!!!!
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Whatchu Got in That Bag?


Hmmmm....a couple cans of whoop ass, you doin a good ass job of eying me, spying me.........
Sorry for the lack of blogging....I turned down the wrong street and I was on Writer's Block....not funny.....fuck you.....
Anyhow, M.T. Bag's street team, The Green Team went all out last night. We've accrued a decent collection of empty Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay bottles, I wonder how they got that way. After several games of NBA Live '05 1-On-1, Beer Pong, a few dank ones and three boxes of pizza, yours truly thought his death bed was a toilet.
We're good now. I got a little business taken care of,but there is still much for me to do. As for M.T. Bag, Ben Ghrimm's dad is in hospice and as of now, he has one week to live. Show your support. The real shitty thing about it, Ghrimm's birthday is coming up soon. I hope you direct your prayers towards the Belcher family, they need them now more than ever....
What else? Boogie and I are off from now until January 5th for winter break. That's a grip...if you will.
Relly Boi has a new track titled, "Said Nunin", don't be afraid to check that out. On the topic, we're going to knock out another mixtape track, "Pants On(Zip)", a spoof of Gucci Mane's Shirt Off. If the break goes well, we should be able to knock out MOAC(Music On A CD) tracks like, Cloud Nine, Hoes, Every Man 4 Himself and something else, I dunno.
I got crazy concepts formulating up top for the format of the album, but that'll unfold in secrecy.
Here's a word you can suck on for like a week
P.A.N.C.A.K.E.S-(Noun) Potential Ass 'N' Coochie Acquired for Kings Erradicating the System. In other words, our lady friends. Much different from a hoe, slut, whore or bitch, very different.
In other news, it turns out the cats Relly Boi hangs out with, chill with the same P.A.N.C.A.K.E.S we had about a year ago.....small world, huh?
Boogie and I participated in a 1-On-1 freestyle battle that lasted about 45 minutes, the soundtrack was provided by a member of The Green Team's guitar. The battle was fierce, fortunately there were no causaulties. It ended in a draw.
One of our newly acquired P.A.N.C.A.K.E.S doesn't even trust us, as a result, she got deaded on by The Green Team.
Last but not least, we're going to have a special guest appearance on the Original Cin Mixtape from our ex-member Yung Skeem, if you know our first album, he's Johnny Storm. We're also going to re-record our first feature, M.I.C for radio purposes and for the sake of better quality and swagger.
I'm gone...............BYE!!!

The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Friday, November 21, 2008
Class of 2010(XXL Magazine Cover)
This is a drunken Empathy saying what's up for the first time in weeks.....
I'm watching Moral Orel, I just ate some 8 week old waffles and the sex was pretty awful.
Anyway, by the wishes of Ben Ghrimm, M.T. Bag will strive to be featured on the cover, or at least the issue of the Class of 2010 XXL Magazine.
We want a deal by the end of 2009. Yeah, we're in the process of finishing the Original Cin Mixtape. Boogie and I are so near break, we're gonna get in this the right way. MZA still has unfinished business, everybody knows who she is............
I haven't made a decent beat in weeks, but M.T. Bag is still on its grizzy.
Get ready, M.O is a major part of the tape, Relly Boi, will be on it, Ghrimm will get his verse, I can't wait.
Boogie is still on his myspace game, getting chicks with the same names to be our friends. Ghrimm is still tryna get us shows, and I'm tryna get us on some blogs.
Me and Boogie had a fifty round freestyle battle, it was intense, it was a tie too.
I'm pooped.........

The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
I'm watching Moral Orel, I just ate some 8 week old waffles and the sex was pretty awful.
Anyway, by the wishes of Ben Ghrimm, M.T. Bag will strive to be featured on the cover, or at least the issue of the Class of 2010 XXL Magazine.
We want a deal by the end of 2009. Yeah, we're in the process of finishing the Original Cin Mixtape. Boogie and I are so near break, we're gonna get in this the right way. MZA still has unfinished business, everybody knows who she is............
I haven't made a decent beat in weeks, but M.T. Bag is still on its grizzy.
Get ready, M.O is a major part of the tape, Relly Boi, will be on it, Ghrimm will get his verse, I can't wait.
Boogie is still on his myspace game, getting chicks with the same names to be our friends. Ghrimm is still tryna get us shows, and I'm tryna get us on some blogs.
Me and Boogie had a fifty round freestyle battle, it was intense, it was a tie too.
I'm pooped.........

The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Inspectah Muafuccin West!!!!!!!
.......huh....wat? Oh yeah blog...Anyway, whats good web surfers and us alike. I'm about to try out this here blogging ish. M.T. Bag is preparing for war once the economy crashes (in case we can't make it to France in time). Since the week started there has been a "Mind Infiltration" battle between the Mza and I. You see knowing the password to his Facebook I changed his status saying "Matt is having butt sex with Koala Bears from Kentucky..." You see my attack was only intended to be black on black pranking, but NO! Mza saw it fit to retaliate. In response he changed my status to, "A**** is headed to an orgy involving three shaved mexican monkeys and about a gallon of KY Jelly." (Probably wrong somewhere cause let's face it i'm kind of drunk, but STILL not funny right.) But that wasn't it! So bitch-like of him Mza changed his password...trying to stop me from coming back to respond and shit! But little did he know that wasn't ENUFF! So what I didn't know his password, I didn't have to. I only had to get his security question answer for his email account....genius, i know... So then began the Ace Boogie Mindgames, and Mza played and lost just about every last one of them.
I"ll tell you about the final strike. Mza panickingly checked his email to change his password, I knew he would have to answer his security question. All because I just said "I have to get BACK in to your email so I can hack your facebook." (Make him think I already knew the password). But I had forgot it, and apparently so did he (maybe it was luck but I say otherwise). Anywho he had to put in the security question and I fuccing knew that. So I just watched him do it, while he didn't expect a damn thing.....the next day I just attempted to log into his facebook and said I forgot the password got it sent to his email.***
Changed the status to, "Matt is giving handjobs to German Squirrels on PCP. Just the way he likes." (Comedic Genius, I KNOW!) Then I remembered, HE changed his password....sooooooooo I'M GONNA change his password. From that point out the war was won, all I had to do was let the music play out. And it was so thizzle when it did.
BUT WAIT, the moral to this story is don't try to play Ace'll only get played.
***Kids try this at home. :-)
Also watch videos our videos on youtube. The quality is asscheeks, so that means it's got to be shittin right?!
Just Search:
Inspectah West and/or Nigga Faced Killah...
And Since Murdock always puts a track up, I guess I will too.
Inspectah West will seek you out like a Blood Hound.
I"ll tell you about the final strike. Mza panickingly checked his email to change his password, I knew he would have to answer his security question. All because I just said "I have to get BACK in to your email so I can hack your facebook." (Make him think I already knew the password). But I had forgot it, and apparently so did he (maybe it was luck but I say otherwise). Anywho he had to put in the security question and I fuccing knew that. So I just watched him do it, while he didn't expect a damn thing.....the next day I just attempted to log into his facebook and said I forgot the password got it sent to his email.***
Changed the status to, "Matt is giving handjobs to German Squirrels on PCP. Just the way he likes." (Comedic Genius, I KNOW!) Then I remembered, HE changed his password....sooooooooo I'M GONNA change his password. From that point out the war was won, all I had to do was let the music play out. And it was so thizzle when it did.
BUT WAIT, the moral to this story is don't try to play Ace'll only get played.
***Kids try this at home. :-)
Also watch videos our videos on youtube. The quality is asscheeks, so that means it's got to be shittin right?!
Just Search:
Inspectah West and/or Nigga Faced Killah...
And Since Murdock always puts a track up, I guess I will too.
Inspectah West will seek you out like a Blood Hound.
Friday, November 7, 2008
"I've Been Around The World And Summarized That It's All The Same"
Wow, it's Friday...history was made Tuesday, but it doesn't really feel like it.
Don't get me wrong, it was a monumental moment, and we don't really get to play with our Christmas present 'til January, but, man, nobody's changed.
This election was all about the change. I'm not dissing nor excluding myself when I say this, but nobody on the face of the Earth has changed their Pre-Tuesday swagger. We're all still going into situations the same way we used to. There's nothing wrong with that, I fear breaking the routine as much as the next person, but it's pretty bad.
(Irrelevant but still kinda topical) Boogie basically got a threat from this Q (fraternity bullshit) because of the way he posed in a picture.
.
Apparently this is a trademarked pose or some kinda soft shit by the Q dogs. We've been doing this since were Frosh in high school. I'm not gonna runteldat about ol' homie, but I feel the need to share what he called Boogie.
"Bitch ass hoe ass corn ball ass nigga"....ha ha ha lie.
Boogie says these cats in grown mens' bodies still act like kids.
In other news, it's hard out here for a stoner nowadays. The cops and officials are cracking down. The cops came to the IDOP because we were around some cats who were blazing and it was dank. My boy got his bowl confiscated and recieved two b.s charges. I don't understand, if cannabis is illegal, why can you only get in trouble if you have it on you? Wouldn't it make since if you made it so cats would fear getting stoned? I don't care.
I thought it would be a nice touch.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
P.S- M.T. Bag might be coming to UC sooner than expected, keep an eye out, heaux!
Don't get me wrong, it was a monumental moment, and we don't really get to play with our Christmas present 'til January, but, man, nobody's changed.
This election was all about the change. I'm not dissing nor excluding myself when I say this, but nobody on the face of the Earth has changed their Pre-Tuesday swagger. We're all still going into situations the same way we used to. There's nothing wrong with that, I fear breaking the routine as much as the next person, but it's pretty bad.
(Irrelevant but still kinda topical) Boogie basically got a threat from this Q (fraternity bullshit) because of the way he posed in a picture.

Apparently this is a trademarked pose or some kinda soft shit by the Q dogs. We've been doing this since were Frosh in high school. I'm not gonna runteldat about ol' homie, but I feel the need to share what he called Boogie.
"Bitch ass hoe ass corn ball ass nigga"....ha ha ha lie.
Boogie says these cats in grown mens' bodies still act like kids.
In other news, it's hard out here for a stoner nowadays. The cops and officials are cracking down. The cops came to the IDOP because we were around some cats who were blazing and it was dank. My boy got his bowl confiscated and recieved two b.s charges. I don't understand, if cannabis is illegal, why can you only get in trouble if you have it on you? Wouldn't it make since if you made it so cats would fear getting stoned? I don't care.
I thought it would be a nice touch.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
P.S- M.T. Bag might be coming to UC sooner than expected, keep an eye out, heaux!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"We Do What We Have To Do,So We Can Do What We Want To Do"
The title of this post is a quote I stumbled upon a few days ago and it has made uber sense ever since.
Like a month ago, I remember this talk I had with Boogie... I was all strung out, I didn't know which way to go, I was all stressed and junk. I was looking at this existence like, 'what's this life for?'. It made no sense, I'm like, why do we have to abide by the rules some white guys back in the day made up just to stifle our individuality?
You know? I think it's messed up we relinquish ourselves just to fit in with the norm...but that's another post. Back to this life thing...
So around the time I found the quote, Boogie explains it to me. He's all like, the purpose of living is to make of it what you please,but stay alive. The only thoughts that run through my noggin nowadays is, why is it so crucial to remain alive? I don't know what death looks like and I suppose that should be good enough reason to keep on truckin'.
The only thing I wanna do all day is make music. It's one of the only things keeping me happy at the moment. I could drop school and devote my life to this music thing,but then, today's social rules don't allow people to exclusively focus on their passions. This society requires us to gain abilities we truly don't need, spend a quarter of our lives in the classroom and another half of it working... Leaving 25% or less of our lives for sleeping or et cetera.
I suppose I would have to finish school to be able to properly devote my time to my music, but after school I'd have to get a job in my career and finish paying off financial aid, which would put a guy right back at square one.
Enough of the depression.... I gotta just work on my master plan... how am I going to lead my band to the place I wanna be? Easy.....we finish this classic LP, Music On A CD, we pack up, try to get some gigs cross country(maybe international ones) and just bring our original style.
Good music doesn't go unheard for too long...I know we got skills, the beats are too nice, the flows are on grown man status....there is absolutely nothing on the face of the Earth that can hold us back.
Other news....Obama is still alive, yippie!!!
It's almost pretty official, M.T. Bag will be rolling deep next year at UC. I don't see myself staying at WSU. WSU seems like the ultimate campus with the outside-looking-in-perspective. This place kinda sucks, I'm coming home again.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Like a month ago, I remember this talk I had with Boogie... I was all strung out, I didn't know which way to go, I was all stressed and junk. I was looking at this existence like, 'what's this life for?'. It made no sense, I'm like, why do we have to abide by the rules some white guys back in the day made up just to stifle our individuality?
You know? I think it's messed up we relinquish ourselves just to fit in with the norm...but that's another post. Back to this life thing...
So around the time I found the quote, Boogie explains it to me. He's all like, the purpose of living is to make of it what you please,but stay alive. The only thoughts that run through my noggin nowadays is, why is it so crucial to remain alive? I don't know what death looks like and I suppose that should be good enough reason to keep on truckin'.
The only thing I wanna do all day is make music. It's one of the only things keeping me happy at the moment. I could drop school and devote my life to this music thing,but then, today's social rules don't allow people to exclusively focus on their passions. This society requires us to gain abilities we truly don't need, spend a quarter of our lives in the classroom and another half of it working... Leaving 25% or less of our lives for sleeping or et cetera.
I suppose I would have to finish school to be able to properly devote my time to my music, but after school I'd have to get a job in my career and finish paying off financial aid, which would put a guy right back at square one.
Enough of the depression.... I gotta just work on my master plan... how am I going to lead my band to the place I wanna be? Easy.....we finish this classic LP, Music On A CD, we pack up, try to get some gigs cross country(maybe international ones) and just bring our original style.
Good music doesn't go unheard for too long...I know we got skills, the beats are too nice, the flows are on grown man status....there is absolutely nothing on the face of the Earth that can hold us back.
Other news....Obama is still alive, yippie!!!
It's almost pretty official, M.T. Bag will be rolling deep next year at UC. I don't see myself staying at WSU. WSU seems like the ultimate campus with the outside-looking-in-perspective. This place kinda sucks, I'm coming home again.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Black House

They said it couldn't be done. They said it wouldn't be done. It happened.
I feel kinda bad about it though...I was watching one of those news channels at 10 something(when the electoral score was like 200 to 137), I fell asleep and woke up around midnight and it was 300 to something. So I had missed the 270 mark by a long shot.
I think Young Jeezy's song makes so much more sense now. What would he have done if his president didn't come out black??? Hmm, you can only imagine.
Shortly after the results and the speech he gave, I could hear the black students outside, cheering and whatnot. I checked Facebook, all the statuses were either, Obama supporters gloating over the victory, or bitter McCain heads still dissing Obama.
Where are my Ralph Nader people?......none, oh well.
I still have my doubts, I don't know much about Barack, still, but he's an ill talker. He's a brave mofo, for real, and I have nothing but respect for the guy. Come January, he's got less than six months to get his thing together, before I decide to actually move to France.

"My president is black, my Lambo's blue
And I'll be goddamned if my rims ain't too
My momma ain't at home, and daddy's still in jail
Tryna make a plate, anybody seen the scale?
My president is black, my Lambo's blue
And I'll be goddamned if my rims ain't too
My money's light green and my Jordans light grey
And they love to see white, now how much you tryna pay?
Let's go!"
Before I let you go, I have to share these racist ass blogs somebody found on the facebook, it's crazy.
"Author: dvcv
Subject: dumb ass niggers
Time: November 2, 2008 - 1:30 am
You niggers really are as stupid as you look. Celebrating what you think is a black man ( he is a creamer ). The thing that is going prevent Obama from becoming president is the little bit of nigger he has in him. The U.S.A. will NEVER allow an individual with nigg in him to become president. Obama is not going to win and then....DUMB NIGGERS WILL BE RIOTING AND BURNING THEIR OWN TOWNS UP. Wow those are some smart people, aye ?
Author: monkeyslapper
Subject: poles!!!
Time: November 4, 2008 - 4:26 pm
Poles show Osama in the lead, but that will all change when the White people get off work. easy to get find time to get in an early vote when all you have to do all day is wake up at noon sell crack for a couple of hours to white kids i might add, go vote go back to your apt in the ghetto. or car which ever one niggers live in these days. beat the shit out of thier fat white bitch. send her to the store with the food stamps and enough change from today's crack sales to bring back a 40oz beer and cheetos. but barack osama hussien will change all that for nigger america, he will make it so that beer can be bought with food stamps. and that is what its all about "Change" LOL>>>>>>>>>> McCain "O8" "
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Kickin' It Old School

When we're not doing our thug thizzle on the mic, we kick back and turn on that good ol' Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
We got a lot of the major classics and they still work as well as the day they were bought.
One of these games that stands out the most to me is this one game that's quite new to me. "Run Saber". I never heard of it prior to this week, but it's got me addicted. Boogie was looking through some old shit and found his old SNES games, along with Run Saber, he found som Taz game, Rocko's Modern Life and Chuck Rock, which sucks.
Run Saber takes after another Nintendo game called "Strider". The premise, basically, you play as one of two of the selectable characters and you slash through enemies. The game was very well ahead of its time. The player is allowed to switch outfits mid-game, climb walls, and perform special spells.
The game is ill because it has an engine I've never felt in any other game before. It's unpredictable, there's never a break in the action. If you still own a SNES, I suggest you hunt your ass off for this one, it's 5 levels of nonstop illness. Third World gives this gem a rating of, 100/100.
Check out this video of level one, it's crazy.
You couldn't predict a damn thing that was going on,right?
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Tour De France (Oui, Oui)

First and foremost, Third World Records has absolutely no problems with the continent of Africa.............but, we got this idea.... One day....we're going to France........or Canada if that's what we have to settle for. (Explaining the Africa comment:) I want to visit South Africa, Egypt and Morocco one day. I haven't run those countries by Sub-Lym In All, but Ace Boogie is pretty adamant about not stepping foot on Africa.
Why France, why not somewhere more exotic?
The answer..............we got hella fans across the pond. Don't believe me?......go to our Facebook. The fan base is chock full of people from France who happen to have French names.
It's not too different over there versus here. Their flag has red, white and blue on it, they drive on the right side.....well, that's about it.
They have good shopping over there too....I haven't been to the Louis Vuitton thrift store in a while, or the corner Versace spot....
But, don't look at us like we're going to France just because a lot of people over there like our music and we wanna shop all day....when that economic bailout goes down, I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be around when nobody has any money and people are out eating each other.
Plus, people are more likely to buy your music in other parts of the world. You can't sell records in the United States, that's why a lot of popular rappers work at McDonald's part time.
M.T. Bag is on it's way, lookout!!!! Helter Skelter


The best things about France (according to The MZA)
Toast, Hpnotiq and of course, Laura Smet(catch up,homie)
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Monday, November 3, 2008
Lady O' The Month

This was an idea I just came up with 5 minutes ago. Since we're doing a weekly word of the week, I thought we'd bring to you the most beautiful and or underrated ladies of the industry (in our humble opinion).
November's mistress is...(drumroll)... Ashalee Albar
I don't know much about her...M.O. has a song on his new album The M.O. Hour, titled "Ms.Ashlaee", not on his Myspace right now. It's like Lil' Wayne's "Lisa Marie", but better... We have a draft of the remix to this song at our Myspace, don't be afraid to check that out.
If you're as out of the loop as I was, here's some info. She can be seen in E-40's "U And Dat", Hurricane Chris' "Aye Bay Bay(Remix)" and Lil' Wayne's "Lollipop".
Quit runnin' the video back so much...did you see the nipple?
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Boys Are Back In Town(Rock The Vote)
This is Empathy reporting live from Cincinnati, home, sweet, home.
Me and Ace came down from WSU to say what up to Ghrimm(new spelling, due to copyright b.s) at UC. We went to a little shin dig, met some talented young ladies, it's all ish. We did everything except for what we came to do, put a dent in the production of Music On A CD.
We were scheduled to record the rest of "Slut Shoppin'" and rerecord our inspirational track, "Cloud Nine". It's cool though...
My mom came through to yell at me today, so I'm in my downer mood.
Other news, Ghrimm and West seem to have their swaggers down, I gotta do work on mine. I made a beat for Third World affiliate, Relly Boi, he's pleased.
I feel confined to a one track lifestyle ever since I figured out how small this world is...these wenches are known from the bottom of Cincinnati to the tip of Cleveland...that's irrelevant.
As the Winter quarter dawns upon us, along with registering for courses, M.T. Bag awaits the release of two albums, The Blueprint 3 and 808's and Heartbreaks. Props to T-Pain on Thr33 Ringz or whatever mess, he went the extra mile with 23 tracks.......
Is it US or is the election thing gettin a little too grimey? Peep those McCain commercials when he edits the audio, how low, huh?
Honestly, I'm not a man of politics,but Third World Records encourages you muthafuckas to get out there and vote. It's time for a change...
A change is not going to come from's gonna...come to WASHINGTON!!!
On that note, The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
Me and Ace came down from WSU to say what up to Ghrimm(new spelling, due to copyright b.s) at UC. We went to a little shin dig, met some talented young ladies, it's all ish. We did everything except for what we came to do, put a dent in the production of Music On A CD.
We were scheduled to record the rest of "Slut Shoppin'" and rerecord our inspirational track, "Cloud Nine". It's cool though...
My mom came through to yell at me today, so I'm in my downer mood.
Other news, Ghrimm and West seem to have their swaggers down, I gotta do work on mine. I made a beat for Third World affiliate, Relly Boi, he's pleased.
I feel confined to a one track lifestyle ever since I figured out how small this world is...these wenches are known from the bottom of Cincinnati to the tip of Cleveland...that's irrelevant.
As the Winter quarter dawns upon us, along with registering for courses, M.T. Bag awaits the release of two albums, The Blueprint 3 and 808's and Heartbreaks. Props to T-Pain on Thr33 Ringz or whatever mess, he went the extra mile with 23 tracks.......
Is it US or is the election thing gettin a little too grimey? Peep those McCain commercials when he edits the audio, how low, huh?
Honestly, I'm not a man of politics,but Third World Records encourages you muthafuckas to get out there and vote. It's time for a change...
A change is not going to come from's gonna...come to WASHINGTON!!!
On that note, The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
.jpg)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Word of the Week
We've come up with about three of these at the International Dorm of Pancakes....but, not many people are hip, so we'll give you a bunch just to keep the ball rolling....
First and foremost...what is the International Dorm of Pancakes? That's the long way to say IDOP, basically, the headquarters of Third World Representatives of myself and Ace Boogie. At the IDOP, things happen.
You may find yourself getting your ass handed to you in Super Nintendo, or you could be featured on our mixtapes, you may lay with your favorites from the band, or you could just end up Zooted out of your mind.
Zooted: (Adjective) The state of being sluggish, zoned out and acheiving a feeling of being sedated.
This state is acheived by mixing any night time cough syrup with either Amp energy drink or Kool-Aid in addition to a 5 or 6 hour energy shot.
Cot:(Adjective) Suave, pirate-esque, urbane, cool. (Verb) To shoot with dishonor.
It was introduced on our track "Cashmere Status" by Yung Skeem who said,"Snatchin' all the hoes...cuz we real cot like that." It had no meaning until me and Ace put one to it.
Fantasticdom:(Adjective)Balarastic Shit...
Midas Thought:(Noun) The current mindstate of us right now. Check this out:
and these
$2,000 for the jacket, $6,000 for the kicks...yeah, we still got them Million $ Dreams...tune in next week for the word....
E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E.
p.s- say what's up to us on Myspace
First and foremost...what is the International Dorm of Pancakes? That's the long way to say IDOP, basically, the headquarters of Third World Representatives of myself and Ace Boogie. At the IDOP, things happen.
You may find yourself getting your ass handed to you in Super Nintendo, or you could be featured on our mixtapes, you may lay with your favorites from the band, or you could just end up Zooted out of your mind.
Zooted: (Adjective) The state of being sluggish, zoned out and acheiving a feeling of being sedated.
This state is acheived by mixing any night time cough syrup with either Amp energy drink or Kool-Aid in addition to a 5 or 6 hour energy shot.
Cot:(Adjective) Suave, pirate-esque, urbane, cool. (Verb) To shoot with dishonor.
It was introduced on our track "Cashmere Status" by Yung Skeem who said,"Snatchin' all the hoes...cuz we real cot like that." It had no meaning until me and Ace put one to it.
Fantasticdom:(Adjective)Balarastic Shit...
Midas Thought:(Noun) The current mindstate of us right now. Check this out:


$2,000 for the jacket, $6,000 for the kicks...yeah, we still got them Million $ Dreams...tune in next week for the word....
E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E.
p.s- say what's up to us on Myspace
Comin' Out Hard
For those of whom, who may not know about US... We are M.T. Bag... not T-bag, pronounced Empty Bag... get it?
We consist of the 3 illest emcees this side of the Prime Meridian...
We got the witty,metaphorical , Sub-Lym in All aka Ben Grimm. There's the sharp tongued punchlinist, Ace Boogie aka Wally West. Then there's the uber producer/lyricist, Empathy aka The MZA/Matt Murdock.
We got together in 2007 to make our first album, M.I.C, which features ex-member, Yung Skeem(known as Johnny Storm for the album.) We released it in August of 2008 and are still pushing it. It's a classic in our book, 17 year olds rapping for 17 year olds.
Here's a nice picture of the album cover, you probably own one of these...

Here's a link to where you can download it:
Please tell me you know how to unzip RAR files....never mind it....
If you already heard M.I.C and you like it, you probably want more.....
Please know, our sophomore title Music On A CD will be released December 20, 2012....
In the mean time we're gonna do our brand of mixtapes like mad. The first one, we're working on right now.
Original Cin Mixtape: featuring M.O., Relly Boi, Day 1and it features the remix to M.O.'s song "Ms.Ashalee". Other featured tracks are "A Dolla", "Cincinnati's Finest" and "Drinkin' On Some Liquor".
The mixtape is currently unavailable for purchase or download as of now, but you can listen to it at:
While you're at it, don't be shy...check out M.O., Lady S, Seth Boogie, and the rest of the Affiliates.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
We consist of the 3 illest emcees this side of the Prime Meridian...
We got the witty,metaphorical , Sub-Lym in All aka Ben Grimm. There's the sharp tongued punchlinist, Ace Boogie aka Wally West. Then there's the uber producer/lyricist, Empathy aka The MZA/Matt Murdock.
We got together in 2007 to make our first album, M.I.C, which features ex-member, Yung Skeem(known as Johnny Storm for the album.) We released it in August of 2008 and are still pushing it. It's a classic in our book, 17 year olds rapping for 17 year olds.
Here's a nice picture of the album cover, you probably own one of these...
Here's a link to where you can download it:
Please tell me you know how to unzip RAR files....never mind it....
If you already heard M.I.C and you like it, you probably want more.....
Please know, our sophomore title Music On A CD will be released December 20, 2012....
In the mean time we're gonna do our brand of mixtapes like mad. The first one, we're working on right now.
Original Cin Mixtape: featuring M.O., Relly Boi, Day 1and it features the remix to M.O.'s song "Ms.Ashalee". Other featured tracks are "A Dolla", "Cincinnati's Finest" and "Drinkin' On Some Liquor".
The mixtape is currently unavailable for purchase or download as of now, but you can listen to it at:
While you're at it, don't be shy...check out M.O., Lady S, Seth Boogie, and the rest of the Affiliates.
The E-M-P'll say P.E.A.C.E
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